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  1. #6
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
    EXP required for next Level: 52

    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

    View Profile
    As usual, the ride back was filled with gloom. The landscape was miserable. The remaining grasses of the dry, dirt coated ground were brown and withered. Trees were fading into haunted shadows. The color scheme looking down was a dreary brown. The sky above was a chilling grey. The great mare Chamomile trotted in defiance of the depressed world around her. Head high and bopping up and down. The white steed trotted across the deathly dirt road with a bounce to her trot. Felicity wished she could share the stubborn horse's spirit. The redhead pulled her scarf up, hiding her nose and mouth from the parched wind that blew unchallenged across the once flourishing grasslands.

    As they neared the wooden walls of Whitevale, voices could be heard. Excited shouts. Were they scared, thrilled, or overjoyed? Felicity squinted, unable to tell. Chamomile was just as curious about this, breaking into a canter. Felicity yelped, grasping the reigns of her steed as she darted past the guards, whom peered into the gate without leaving their posts, and into the city. There was a crowd gathered of soldiers, workers, villagers, and all else. They all were clamoring to get a view of something Felicity was too short to catch sight of as Chamomile steadied to a stop, ears twitching as she observed the crowd. Felicity sighed in relief that the horse had stopped and dismounted. At first, all eyes were gazing at the crowd; then a single worker happened to glance at Felicity pulling her equipment off and dashed towards her. Leaping over the nearby wooden stake fence, he called out, "General! I apologize for the delay!"

    Felicity only raised an eyebrow as the young man started to tend to Chamomile and lighten her load. "What's going on?"

    The man spoke while he continued to work, his voice filled with energetic wariness. "It's Storm Veritas. He's back."

    Storm Veritas! Felicity's eyes widened. The co-founder of The Brotherhood alongside her mentor, Shinsou Vaan Osiris! Excitement boiled as her attention darted to the crowd. Her katana and war bow were held limply in her arms. The sound of Chamomile snorting and reigns being pulled called Felicity's attention back to the stable hand. The boy had placed her gear beside her and was pulling Chamomile towards the stables. "Chamomile will be tended to. Your gear is ready for you, General."

    Felicity nodded distractedly and glanced at the weapons, alchemy kit, and equipment placed neatly against the fence. She blinked, eager and anxious that the Storm Veritas was here! What should she do? Go greet him? Alone? She lifted her hand, pressing her lips against a finger. Then, she decided to go for it. She lifted another hand, snapping her fingers once. "Where's the overseer?"

    A gaurd, who was also trying to get a glimpse of Veritas, looked briefly at Felicity a he squeezed his spear's shaft. "Trying to get the stables back in order. One of the gaurds got ele-"

    Felicity cut him off, "Oh well. I need a hand!"

    Another head poked from the outskirts of the crowd. A female elf. "Yes, General Rhyolite?"

    Felicity crossed her arms in a business like fashion, "Why don't you take care of my equipment for me? Take it to my office, be careful. I do not want a bow snapped or blade blunted." She narrowed her eyes, "Understand?"

    The elf's ears twitched, shoulders slumped. She obviously wanted to see Veritas. Alas she followed orders and took care of Felicity's possesions, save the top tier arming sword Felicity had strapped to her belt. The elegant weapon, Splicer, was made of prevailda. The black blade was engraved with a dragon with gothic artistry. It was a well made, expensive weapon. A sign of stature. Felicity reached back and combed her hair back with her hands, making it fall into some sort of order. As she walked towards the crowd, she straightened her outfit from the ride and wiped the dust from her trousers. She cleared her throat when the crowd did not part at first, but upon seeing the stout general the mesh of species and ranks started to leave room to walk. Felicity lifted her chin, straightened her back, and marched through the crowd. She awaited Veritas.

    At the center of the crowd, several high ranking guards prevented anyone from the crowd from getting in. Behind them, seated on a barrel, was an older looking man. His frame was scrawny compared to Felicity, but he was way taller. He appeared to have lighter eyes, with dark hair edged with black. His face was wrinkled, from either age or temper - or both. His face was burrowed in a grimace of unhappiness and impatience. Obviously, he did not like the attention. One of the guards stepped in front of Felicity, blocking her view. Felicity looked up to see the man blinking in surprise. "General Rhyolite, we were told by the overseer not to let anyone through."

    Without a moment's passing, Felicity pointed to herself with her thumb, "I outrank to overseer. Let me in."

    The man bowed his head after hesitation, lowering his eased pike. "As you wish."

    Felicity nodded and stepped through. More commotion was raised from the crowd, causing Felicity's cheeks to burn hot despite the frigid climate. How long can I keep this up? I'm not nearly as competent as I appear, or confident.

    Her head was lowered again until she found herself standing in front of the grouchy man that was Storm Veritas. He looked up at her with a raised eyebrow, arms crossed as the cold overtook all. Felicity lifted her head again, regaining her former composure. "I am Felicity Rhyolite, General of the Brotherhood of the Castigars and Apprentice of Shinsou Vaan Osiris." Her voice somehow managed not to crack, despite her heart pounding so hard it could explode from her chest. Her green eyes narrowed, meeting Veritas' grey orbs. "I understand you co-founded this party. I salute you." She flashed a sharp salute, eyes starting to soften despite her tense, proper body language. Then, to affirm his higher ranking, she kneeled. This felt more like her place, the servant or student of someone better, more legendary, She was always humble, it was her home. She never knew anything above it. Still, her voice was assertive as she asked, "What brings you back to the base of operations?"
    Last edited by Flamebird; 04-30-2020 at 10:40 PM.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

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