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    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    Nosdyn's Avatar


    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Months later...

    The Syndicate was in full operation once again after Nosdyn retired it's former leader.

    At one of many safe-houses across Ettermire's underworld, Nosdyn sat in a dark room. Documents were on a simple desk in front of him. Nosdyn always did prefer the darkness, the quiet therein helped him think...and come up with strategies. That's where the Syndicate leader was most comfortable. On the battlefield leading his troops to victory. The single door to his dark chamber was open always, and a single Dark Elf woman walked up towards Nosdyn. Her name was Illsandra, and she'd become one of his chief Enforcers. He smelled her perfume, a deadly scent of lilacs and other such plants. It smelled pleasing to him. Others who were not familiar with Dark Elf culture and society would have found the perfume scent to be excessive. But not Nosdyn, he wanted his subordinates to always work at their best capacity.

    A moment or two later,of Nosdyn breathing in the dark woman's scent...he opened his eyes. His hands, as per normal, were beneath his chin folded. He was thinking...angles, side projects, ideas. Matters that would break a normal man's mind. "Did you find it?" Came his heavily accented voice.

    She nodded in silence. "Yes my lord. It is exactly where you said it wold be."

    "The informant I tortured that time was not lying." Nosdyn nodded. "This pleases me." He looked at her carefully, his most prized and loyal pupil. "Someone once taught me this is a thinking man's game. You must always be aware of the pieces on a playing field. Who stands to loose what. Always come at your opponent from the side." Nosdyn stood up and walked up towards her, she handed him the folder. "The Temple is here. Yes, outside of Ettermire...but the ones we are after will not be so bold as to set up camp IN the city itself."

    Illsandra nodded. "Not with Lloth Priesthood about."

    "Correct that hour has arrived to prove if the old Seers are right." Nosdyn said. He touched her chin for a moment and nodded.

    "My lord, how is this possible? That you are able to sever her shackles." She asked.

    Nosdyn looked away for a moment. "I do not entirely understand it myself. Someone I lost over this explained to me that I can break her influence. The time has come to test that claim."

    Illsandra nodded. "How many will you take with you this time?" She asked.

    Nosdyn looked at her. "Just you." Nosdyn nodded. "This is something i must take care of with as little outside interference as possible."


    The small temple was little more than an abandoned building, several miles outside of Ettermire.

    The denizens of the temple...did not make any attempt to hide in the shadows.

    "This lot is brave." Nosdyn said to Illsandra.

    "I've never seen the N'Jal followers have that quality." She responded as they marched.

    "Some are capable of a lot of good." Nosdyn remembered his friend he had lost.

    He raised his hood at that point and look at Illsandra. "Wait here. Don't let any escape I am trusting you to this task."


    The smell immediately brought back the images of his lost companion.

    The Undead Priestess he had lost.

    Most would have fainted at the smell of rot and decay...but not Nosdyn. He was made of stronger stuff than most.

    The Priesthood was present in the temple and conducting this or that ritual of N'Jal. At that point the chanting stopped and all eyes turned on Nosdyn's arriving person. "So.. .this is how you all spend eternity." Nosdyn said.

    One of the male Priests stood up and looked at Nosdyn. He had a very confused expression on his face. "How are you here? We were told about you from the temple in Corone's survivors." The priest said.

    Fear...Nosdyn could smell their fear...this pleased him. "One of the spies you kept in Ettermire lead me right to this place. Was not his fault by the way, I stole his memories." Nosdyn said.

    The Priest frowned at that point. "You would directly engage a temple of N'Jal by yourself? Knowing what could result?" He asked.

    "Your Gods do not scare me." Nosdyn said truthfully. "I've already been through more than your simple minds can come up with anyway. But I've come here to offer you all a single chance."

    The Priest kept his eyes on make sure there were no tricks involved. "Go on."

    "I was told by a member of your own Priesthood, the one from Corone that I could break her bonds. I want to test how true that claim is." He said.

    The Priest frowned. "Break her bonds, the bonds of N'Jal you mean? You're mad!"

    Nosdyn became extremely serious at that point. "I lost a friend over this....I know loss." He kept looking at the Priest. "Will you help me or not? I will only ask you once." Nosdyn said.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-09-2019 at 01:36 PM.

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