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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    She had to know. Illsandra looked into her companions eyes...there was something there she had not noticed before that moment. A pain...that would only reveal itself in times of weakness and hurt. "Tell me...what is it that haunts you so?" It was a deep wound, an old scar...something that never healed.

    Nosdyn looked up at her tears flowing from his eyes. "Long ago...growing up where my people come from. There was a group called The Tribunal." Nosdyn said. He placed his hand on her face with surprising tenderness and care. "To become a man of my undergo trials given by The Tribunal." Nosdyn explained. "My family had some social Father a ranking officer of the military of the time." He said. "In order for me to...earn my place. I was given an order." Nosdyn looked away from Illsandra for the first time since he started to talk, the memories of his past surfacing. "It was either do or die. order to gain my place in The Tribunals ranks...was ordered to slaughter my own family." The tears were flowing freely now. "At the time I did not know I had a choice."

    Illsandra held her in his arms. Trying to understand what it was she was much pain.

    "Months after the deed had been completed...The Tribunal put something into motion. I became aware a result I was Exiled for all time. I could never return home. family died for nothing. I killed them for nothing." Blood, that was blood on his hands alone.

    "I cannot claim I understand your peoples ways." Illsandra said. "But what I do know is Tular Plains is a harsh land, your people have different laws than mine do." She placed her hand back and his face, and had him look at her again. "Listen to me, the pain you have inside. Is also my pain." She watched Nosdyn nod gently, he'd been running from his past for a very long time. Then, without realizing what she was doing...she suddenly kissed him.

    He kissed her back...and slowly started to reclaim something of himself again.

    At the other end of the hallway, the Undead Priestess who spoke to Illsandra previously smiled gently as she observed them kiss. She smiled to herself and walked off into the shadows.


    That night...

    Nosdyn slept on his bed as the dreams started...since The Undead built their machine and began to extract his blood, the dreams were getting worse. This time however, he was no longer afraid. Afraid of what he would face.

    Screams filled the wind of the Tular Plains night. Nosdyn knew that place well...that was the house of his youth, his family estate. The place where his war began, and somehow he lost himself.

    Nosdyn recognized The Demon before him..."Father."

    The proud Demon, an aristocrat of sorts looked at his son. "You've changed."

    "I'm not afraid of what I have been running from anymore." Nosdyn said quietly.

    "The Tribunal did this to all of us." His Father said in response.

    Nosdyn shook his head. "No...for me to heal...I have to accept the truth. They gave the order but you are all dead because of me. My own hands did this. I was just a fool, a weapon." He looked at his Father and began to cry for the first time in front of him. "I...I am here to beg your forgiveness though I may not be worthy of it."

    The aristocrat walked over towards his son, and placed a hand gently under his chin. "Our people are harsh. Often a violent race. To show me how far you have changed since then, how far you have come. Nosdyn my son, always remember the name of your people. And wear it with pride. Live Nosdyn. Be at peace, and forge your own future. There is one who loves you waiting for you." His Father said. "Build a future for us with her help."

    Nosdyn looked up at his Father. "Illsandra..."

    Nosdyn's Father smiled with pride as the strange dreaming state faded off into the aether...

    He became conscious in his bed once more and opened his eyes, Illsandra had been there by his side the entire time. "You were talking in your sleep, a language I do not understand." She said calmly.

    Nosdyn looked up at her and softly smiled. "My Father told me to build a future with you by my side."
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-08-2019 at 02:52 PM.

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