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  1. #10

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    Level completed: 13%,
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    The newly turned Undead looked at Nosdyn and his companions as they rose from the ground. The former leader of their party frowned as he spoke. "You...turned us...why?" The man asked.

    Nosdyn looked at the man. "Never waste a potential resource. You have use to me...a chance to earn a place for yourselves. You were not given the correct item I needed either you yourself, or your superiors were going to falsely attempt to dupe me." Nosdyn said quite calmly. He walked right to the man and put his hand on the man's face. "This is going to work one of two ways for you. You either cooperate with what I am about to tell you, or I forcibly remove the memories from your mind. One of the two is going to happen. Which one will be entirely your choice." Nosdyn said, more than capable of backing his threat.

    The man, surprisingly enough accepted the fate him and his fellows were currently in. He nodded. "What is it you need?"

    Those who had companions, loved ones on the line...were often the most dangerous targets. The precepts of his Father.

    Nosdyn spoke in a very quiet and gentle tone, given the actual severity of the situation they were all in. "You are going to take me to The Safe House you and your folks are from." Nosdyn said carefully. "What happens from there on will be entirely up to you and your people." Nosdyn said. He removed his hand from the man's face.

    The guy was more concerned about his companions well being than his own. "I accept your terms as long as you will keep us safe after." The man said.


    Ettermire streets by night.

    Nosdyn and his companions had no reason to hide anymore, they were growing in strength and influence.

    The die had already been cast. With the three thieves guild members taking front of the group, they walked right up to Thieve's Guild safe house in question. The leader looked at Nosdyn for a moment. "It's here."

    The building, was run-down but that was perhaps for the sake of appearances only. No marks, no other writings or indications of any sort. Nosdyn looked around. There were no guards outside he could discern...but that could have meant anything. He looked at his companions and nodded to them. He the looked at the Thieves' Guild leader. "Get us in." Nosdyn said calmly. "I want to make as little noise as as not to bother the neighbors."


    A few moments later they all walked into the main gathering Hall of that particular chapter of Thieves Guild.

    The acting leader of that area saw the fate his former recruits had undergone. He stood up immediately, and the other members of The Thieves Guild were already on high alert. "What is the meaning of this?" The Hume asked. He looked at his former cohorts. "What have they done to you?"

    "This was our own fault." The Undead Thief said to his former leader. "You lied to us though, crossed him in the process." The Undead pointed at Nosdyn. "I am going to be frank here, I'd be pretty pissed off to." The Undead looked at his leader. "If I were you..I'd take The Syndicate leader VERY seriously." The Undead Thief said.

    The Thieves Guild Leader looked at Nosdyn. "What is your purpose for this, Demon?" He asked.

    Nosdyn folded his arms across his chest. "Your men were going to attempt something...on your own orders...they would have regretted for all time. I gave them a chance to redemption. Far more than you would have given them I might add." Nosdyn said. "Point is. this building has the one item I am after in order to get something else done. You can benefit from this...or suffer. The choice is yours."

    It was a thinking man's game... The words of his Father in his mind.

    Nosdyn had already given his troops individual orders, before going into the safe house. On his command...they would tare the whole God forsaken building apart to find the thing he was after. "You're running out of time." Nosdyn said calmly. "Better make a choice pretty soon, my troops are getting nervous here." Nosdyn smiled at that point.


    A couple of hours later, Nosdyn and his companions slowly left the building. Much to his own surprise, The Thieves Guild leader had chosen to cooperate with The Demon and relinquish the artifact.

    As they left the building, one of the Male Priests walked over to Nosdyn. "Do you need me to discern it's authenticity?"

    "No." Nosdyn said. "He knows what he's up against now...hopefully from this one dealing they will remember never to cross again." Nosdyn looked at the relic one last time. It was a small, pendant tied to chain. Normally quite a unimportant sort of thing. But given who they were dealing with, they would need as much help as possible. "The Pendant will react when we are her Temple." Nosdyn said. He handed it over to The Priest. "That task I leave to you."

    Illsandra walked over to him. "My lord...what do you suppose was their reason?" She suddenly asked as he stood next to him.

    Nosdyn looked at her calmly. "They did not know who they were dealing with yet." Nosdyn noticed the concern on her face. "Something troubles you." He said calmly.

    She placed her hand on the side of his face. "Maybe I'm reading into the whole thing too much. But I believe for a Guild like this to think outside normal terms like this...something is manipulating them." She said.

    Nosdyn pondered what she was saying. "One of her Agents." Nosdyn suddenly said.

    She nodded. "Perhaps...or maybe it is something else, I do not know. But I just know something didn't feel correct there." She looked at him, genuine concern for the Demon in her eyes.

    "All right." Nosdyn said carefully. "We will move with more care going forward." Nosdyn said calmly. Then, he thought of something. "Their ones we turned....did I make a wrong choice there? Or perhaps excessive?" Nosdyn asked.

    Illsandra looked at him. " think on different terms than they do. You were considering the rest of their companions." Illsandra nodded. "This will not all unravel itself right away anyway."

    Nosdyn agreed. "Fair. We will go back to The Safe House for now." Nosdyn signaled for his companions to come forth and they all headed back home for the time being.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-09-2019 at 09:48 PM.

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