Nosdyn sat at his table with his companion.

His mind was troubled...many questions loomed therein that were perhaps better pondered in other environs. The Demon would be obviously different from the rest of the denizen of the tavern...though almost all other races were accounted for. Most folks would take understandable unease at seeing a Tular Plains exile in the flesh. He kept his cloak on more oft than not those days, wearing full leather equipment carefully maintained.

The tell-tale sign would have been his own blue skin tone, and glowing amber coloured eyes. A past opponent...Zack Blaze would have considered that urine coloured. Nosdyn narrowed his eyes for a moment listening to the ebb and flow of the crowd. He was a military strategist at heart, he knew the battlefield was a thinking soldier's game. The loud group of Dwarves in the other table were just displaying their usual behavior. He'd seen that group a few other times.

Braggarts, sell-swords, arrogant pricks they all were. The whole lot of them, even Nosdyn. But he was comfortable in that environment. There he could at least be himself without "fear" of persecution or judgment. The exact opposite was true in Radasanth's former government. Currently there was anarchy there, and a pretentious guild had recently attempted to "take over" Radasanth herself. Normally, the conflicts and politics of Hume society were no relevance to Nosdyn. But those were not normal times.

This was post The Cataclysm events.

Much of Althanas was in a state of some recovery or suffering...Nosdyn saw something else. Opportunity for profit and personal gain.

Illsandra, drank silently also contemplating her own matters.

Nosdyn had not touched his drink or his food...he did not have much of an appetite since taking over The Syndicate.

There was work to be done if he was going to usurp the entire Thayne religion.

He opened his eyes again at that point and smiled at Illsandra. "Your lilac perfume I always did like."