Mikael Leviasi ia Saiph
Location: By the Great Twisted Red Oak Tree

Mikael took a moment to focus on the Dark Elf, Lillian Mikael reminded himself yet again, on Lillian to see if she was going to include some good news. The claim that a ruined tower held forgotten magical items made Mikael rather dubious of the assertion that such prizes still remained within, but with the reveal of hobgoblins perhaps none wished to hazard a trip into the tower. The presence of such dangerous inhabitants drew a skeptical gaze from Mikael but this was born from an understanding that such claims were not made clear on the poster. Perhaps this is karma.

Unlike their smaller cousins, Hobgoblins presented an issue of strength and while Mikael held to his own belief that he could emerge victorious with dueling one such creature. Multiple hobgoblins stretched the realm of possibility towards impossibility for Mikael. The goal was to seek out and acquire these special magical items, and removal of these dangerous inhabitants could be avoided if at all possible. Mikael turned his attention to his satchel but paused at the mention of payment. With a quick nod, “Three-Fifty Gold for the acquiring of the artifact and making it safely outside. The deal sounds perfect.” Mikael agreed.

“With our disadvantage coming to numbers when against the Hobgoblins, I suggest we attempt to sneak around. Perhaps lure them outside, where we can either thin them out one by one or simply just sneak past them.” Mikael explained, he could inscribe runes upon any object and could create enough lights at night to grab anybody’s attention. “-And we can scale down the side of the Tower with rope to escape.” He added briefly. Without much clearer understanding of the tower’s layout, he could only guess but he himself wasn’t confident about free-climbing up the tower itself. Though that would be rather quick and far easier than sneaking and or fighting our way through the tower.

Mikael looked back to Lillian and gave her a curious look, “-You’re the lead here, so what’s your plan here?” He assumed she must have learned something from her previous attempts, maybe what type of Hobgoblins they were or from which tribe or clan. His left arm remained by his side as his right grabbed hold of his satchel and waited for Lillian’s response. He had not exactly intended to be too focused on combat, but he wouldn't shy away from it should it come, I would rather just have the advantage when it comes to combat situations.