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  1. #4

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

    View Profile
    A few days later...

    Her agents will move against us now. As was typical in such full scale battles...many will die... Nosdyn stood outside the safe house, the robed strangers were looking at him carefully. What is their angle...? Nosdyn thought to himself. Illsandra stood by his side, and several other acolytes were present. Nosdyn saw the man's expression...there was disdain there. The Demon was already uncomfortable about the situation.

    He thought back to the day he met with Lars in Corone...he'd been attempting to get another mission completed. The man was talking about matters and Nosdyn listened very carefully. There was always an angle. Nosdyn kept his arms folded across his chest as he observed the group's leader before him. Nosdyn considered what was being said very carefully...the group had a common enemy with him and his people. N'Jal.

    "What I'm proposing is a union between our groups." The man finally said.

    Nosdyn considered. This is a thinking man's game.... Despite the very serious nature of what was being talked about, Nosdyn kept a very calm face. There was too much at stake at that was no longer about only him. Nosdyn had a serious expression on his face. "State your terms." He suddenly said. Nosdyn carefully though to the other night when one of the faction's own members attempted to engage him directly. Something did not sit well with him...they were too exposed, too much in the public eye right there. That's why we are plain view.
    To attempt to lure her Agents out of hiding.

    The man nodded and took out a small parchment. He handed it to Nosdyn. "They are all there."

    "A contract...?" Nosdyn asked. Suddenly, he threw the contact back at the man. "You folks do not understand how it is me and my people do things."

    The man watched the contract on the ground for a moment. He looked back at Nosdyn. "Is that your final choice?"

    Just then, Nosdyn unlatched his weapon and activated it, the blade manifested. "It is."


    Just as Nosdyn had suspected their interloper appeared at that point. Too many of us will draw attention...there. Her Agents are moving against us. Having chosen the battlefield itself was a deliberate decision Nosdyn made. He'd been attempting to lure The Agent of N'Jal to the open to see if they would act.

    The man in front of him was stunned by what he saw next. An Agent of N'Jal stepped out of the shadows....and began to approach Nosdyn.

    "You lead them to us you idiot." Nosdyn said. But that in itself was part an act. He'd been using The Faction itself as bait to lure the enemy out in the open. "Her agents are moving against us. If you do not understand our answer yet the answer is fucking NO." Nosdyn directly engaged The Agent of N'Jal...
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-14-2019 at 08:05 AM.

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