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  1. #6

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Illsandra had been there for as much as she could of it. She looked at The Priest when he had a moment to breath, the work was intense. "How bad is it?" Illsandra had sincere concern for her husband.

    The Priest looked her with a very serious expression on his face. "The magic in new. It is not anything we've encountered before. Me and my students have done all we could. The rest if up to him. My lady...I won't lie about this...the situation is grave. He may not live there is a chance of that." He placed a hand on her shoulder to try to comfort her. "We've done all we could."

    He and his students quietly left the healing chamber.

    Illsandra pulled up chair and sat next to her husband...The Priest told her he was in a coma induced by N'Jal's magic. She held his hand in her hand. "My lord...I do not know if somewhere you can hear me. But I will be with you until the end. Until whatever happens." Tears flowed for her husband at that point, she understood the gravity of the situation at hand.

    Another presence was in the room a few moments later...The Psionic girl. Illsandra looked at her and nodded.

    "My lady..." She began and pulled up an extra chair to sit next to Illsandra. "I do not claim to know your husband well or anything like that...but what I do know is his injury and potentially his life is on the line because of me." There was a sadness on her face. "I want to be here with you is the least I can do."

    Illsandra looked at her in response. "I think he would have liked that." She thought of something at that point. "What's your name?"

    The Psionic seemed confused for a had been a long time since someone sincerely cared about who she was. She nodded. "Xyllea is my name...I don't have a last name anymore. The Order I am from forbids all outside ties."

    Illsandra was looking at Nosdyn for a moment. "You know...he told me once not very many would have accepted him as I have."

    Xyllea looked at her calmly. "There are many hatreds and strife in this world...perhaps he can serve to change all that someday."

    Illsandra was good to have someone there with her. Someone who could share her pain as they watched her loved one suffering.


    Nosdyn found himself a plane of existence filled with a shadowy fog.

    His awareness was dulled down.

    He had no memory of how he got there...only that he'd been attacked by one of N'Jal's Agents prior to that point. His memory were as hazed over as that fog was.

    He was not sure how much time had passed. Days, weeks...centuries. He had no way of discerning time there.

    After some point, he did feel another presence in the fog, just beyond his field of perception. Perhaps it was for the best because he immediately knew who he was dealing with. "N'Jal." Nosdyn said to the presence, her name. There was strangely no malice but a profound respect for his adversary.

    A moment passed by, N'Jal spoke alas. "Son of Tharak." Again, the respect was mutual between the two of them. "I have summoned you here to speak with you about some matters." She said softly.

    Nosdyn nodded. "As you say."

    "Under different circumstances you would have become one of my greatest champions, Nosdyn son of Tharak." There was an actual bit of sadness in her tone.

    Nosdyn looked down for a moment and looked back towards her. "For what it's worth...I'm sorry fate made us adversaries."

    N'Jal nodded for a moment. "Your much do you care for them?" She suddenly asked.

    Nosdyn did not hesitate in his response. "I would die for them...right now in exchange for their safety."

    She seemed to consider that for a moment. "The one etched on your heart...the one you love. I suspect it would be the same for her yes? Does she matter that much to you?"

    Nosdyn nodded. "She does."

    N'Jal considered what she was hearing. "Your loyalty, your is a trait my most trusted servants lack far too often." She explained. "Nosdyn..." She said suddenly. "I have a proposition for you do you wish to hear it?"

    Nosdyn thought about that for a moment. "Go on."


    A week was a Friday morning whet it occurred.

    Illsandra noticed it first...he was waking up. Somehow, someway...Nosdyn had found his way back to her. She'd been there the entire time day after day...hour after hour the entire time. Knowing there was a chance that it could have all been over right there. But somehow...he'd found his way back.

    Nosdyn awoke and his glowing yellow eyes saw the two by his bed. He nodded to them had been a long road to recovery from his injury but at the very least he had made it back.

    Illsandra put her on the side of his face. "I...thought I'd lost you forever." She said very plainly.

    Nosdyn nodded once more. Nosdyn looked at Xyllea. "I'm sorry to have worried the both of you...matters have now escalated beyond us." Nosdyn said. "When I recover my strength we all have to talk." He said, he would never keep secrets from her. He returned his gaze back to Illsandra. "It is good to see you once more." He said calmly.

    Whatever deal he had made with N'Jal that time...would be revealed another day.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-14-2019 at 04:27 PM.

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