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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    A few days later...

    Nosdyn had recovered his strength and he called for a meeting with the entire guild in his command. They were all gathered in the meeting hall shortly there after, Illsandra standing nearby...a source of strength and comfort. Nosdyn was never really good with any form of public speaking...but he wanted to be an accountable leader for his comrades. There were quiet whispers in the crowd and he worked up the nerves to speak in front of them all.

    He was hesitant, attempting to find the exact correct to say what he needed to say to them. "As you know...the sands of time move against us always." Nosdyn began. "Recently, for the sake of you all...I suffered an injury and was incapacitated up until a few days ago." Nosdyn was struggling with how to word the next part of what he needed to say. There was no way to do he decided on the exact approach he'd always used before. "While I was hurt...recovering...something happened." He looked at the gathered. "N'Jal contacted me directly."

    Whispers from the gathered, Illsandra remained silent...she had already been told by her husband what he was about to say.

    Nosdyn waved his hand gently around for the gathered to remain calm. "A deal was made and I accepted the offer. Understand...the choice I made was for the safety of you all." Nosdyn paused looking at his wife for a moment. "As of that deal's forging...we are no longer at war with N'Jal herself. As far as you all are concerned...she is no longer an enemy. In exchange...she has agreed to keep all of you safe."

    The Priest looked at his leader and spoke quietly first, there was concern in the man's voice. "What did you give in exchange?"

    Nosdyn nodded. "A fair question. I gave up my war against her." There was more to say. "But also in regards to that contract...I was allowed to live." He told them the exact truth...though some may not have been willing to accept it. "To protect you all..." Nosdyn looked at his wife once more. "To protect you all I was ready to give my life in exchange for your freedom."

    The Priests...they knew the exact thing that Nosdyn was saying. They've dealt with N'Jal since the point of their turning to Undead. But any one else would have a difficult time understanding what was being talked about. The Male Priest quietly walked over towards Nosdyn. He understood the gravity of Nosdyn had been saying. In a strange sort of gesture of acceptance, and friendship, The Priest hugged Nosdyn profoundly. "Given what we were before you saved us...I can only partially understand what you telling us here. You've already given up more for us than many here would ever realize."

    Nosdyn hugged the man back...he looked at the gathered. "That is all I wanted to say. I have to continue to recover my strength after what happened...but that is all for now." He said calmly.


    Nosdyn sat in his office pondering everything that had transpired. Xyllea and Illsandra were nearby...discussing matters. His body still did not feel normal from the attack he'd would recover in time.

    Illsandra walked over towards her husband. "My lord...what was she like?" Illsandra asked calmly.

    Nosdyn nodded. "N'Jal you mean, yes?"

    Illsandra nodded. "What was she like? That's something I have been thinking about since the night you told me."

    Nosdyn spoke calmly. "She had a profound respect for us...more than any adversary I have ever known." Nosdyn meant that. It was difficult to sometimes discern what Nosdyn's really meant sometimes...but when he spoke in that tone he would always tell the truth. "She knew about you." Nosdyn wanted her to know that.

    Illsandra seemed taken by surprise by that. "How...?"

    Nosdyn nodded. "She were etched on my heart. And asked me if I would give anything for you...if you really mattered that much to me. Before N'Jal herself I was prepared to die." Nosdyn continued. "I accepted the offer she gave me because of you. She was going to let everyone live after...but mainly you. Illsandra...she gave you her blessing." Nosdyn said.

    Illsandra nodded. "For what part of it all?"

    "When you have my children...and someday you will...she gave us her blessing." Nosdyn always had a very simple way of stating things, a simple way of saying the truth that made the matters of what he spoke of much more profound.

    Illsandra sighed softly. "You've already done so much for me."

    Xyllea observed the two as they spoke with one another. In a way, she'd been right that one time...what Illsandra and Nosdyn had, some folks never find in their entire lives. And she envied them for that. She smiled quietly at what she was hearing.

    Nosdyn stood up at that moment and walked over towards her. "I was ready to give up my life for you." He nodded towards his wife. They hugged at that point. He looked towards Xyllea. "Young one...I am sorry your people have abandoned you. But hopefully this small Guild we have now can provide you an adequate home."

    She nodded quietly and stood up. "I will take my leave now...I am certain you have matters to take care of." She said with a soft smile.

    Nosdyn nodded but before Xyllea even left...Illsandra had already kissed him make up for the time away from her loved one. Her Champion...her Demon.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-14-2019 at 04:25 PM.

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