A short time later, the tea they ordered was prepared.

Nosdyn was troubled by matters...Ettermire was what Radasanth should have been. As far as he was aware...Radasanth was currently in a state of chaos and anarchy since The Cataclysm. He drank the tea. It was quite good, they'd gone out together a few times like that since he'd first arrived in Ettermire. The tea had a soothing effect on his troubled mind. They both drank in silence. Nosdyn was considering something at that point and he looked at Illsandra. "When we are done here, I want to continue your training." It had been months since their last formal lessons.

A lot had happened since then. Illsandra drank of the tea and looked at him. "Yes. I wish to know more about your people as well."

Nosdyn nodded calmly. Over time, he'd taught her about a great many teachings of his people. Everything he could teach her about his family, his way of life, his martial tactic. He was hers...always would be. Once they both completed the tea, Nosdyn paid for their portions.

A short time later they were outside...heading to a small clearing, park style location. Nosdyn looked around. "This will do." He took two reasonably sized branches off nearby trees and handed one to his wife. Almost immediately, the lessons would begin.

"Tighten your stance." He told her calmly as he had instructed her in the past. Nosdyn was quite skilled with his family's way of combat, he was attempting to teach her everything he knew. "Hit me with your practice swing." He told her.

She hesitated at first...as she had every time before then.

Nosdyn understood the why of it...but the lessons were necessary and he was built to withstand high amounts of pain. He stood there calmly, watching her practice the swing of the makeshift weapon at him. Each swing, stung a bit. He stood there with his arms folded across his chest observing her technique, the way she swung the practice weapon. He would give advice and tips on adjusting mid combat, reacting in controlled sort of ways. She had always been faster than he ever would be.

But he could withstand a great deal of pain...he'd already proven that fact.

An hour into the training session...a few Dark Elves had gathered around them...observing the lessons. There was a quiet understanding between the students and the teachers and he instructed Illsandra. Soon, her technique became quite skilled and polished.

A few hours later...one of the newer comers that were nearby volunteered for training.

Nosdyn, hesitant at first, looked at his wife for approval. He did not want to offend his people.

She nodded her approval.

And so...day after day it went. The children of Ettermire gathered around Nosdyn and Illsandra as he instructed them in the ways of his people. No...the teachings of his Father.