The next day...

Lancaster's estate was an impressive old Dark Elf style building. They were given an hour to arrive, Nosdyn and Illsandra arrived considerably early. There were people gathered at and around the estate's grounds. Nosdyn had not been terribly wrong...Lancaster was a politician of sorts. The gathered individuals who wree present noticed Nosdyn and his wife approaching...there was never any malice or hatred in their stares...only an almost erotic curiosity of the couple.

Nosdyn was certain to wear a suit of fine Dark Elf attire...he felt only a little uncomfortable in it. For his wife, Illsandra, he would attempt to follow their customs and culture as best as he was capable of doing.

Illsandra wore a very elegant Ettermire cut blue dress. They entered the building and someone approached them, greeting them softly.

"You are Nosdyn and Illsandra are you not?" The woman asked of them, she was a stately looking Dark Elf woman.

They both nodded in response, in almost perfect tandem with one another.

"Lancaster is expecting you both today, follow me."

As they walked, Illsandra looked at her husband. "You are nervous." She said quietly.

Nosdyn nodded. "Yes...I am...not used to any of this."

She wrapped her hand around his own hand.

A short time later they arrived at Lancaster's personal office chambers..."This way. He is waiting for you."


Before them was a small group of roughly ten male and female Dark Elf politicians. Lancaster sat at the lead position of the group. He was having a talk with one of Nosdyn's students...apparently that had been Lancaster's son.

Nosdyn tried to observe, learn all he could. He stood before the gathered with his wife beside him. They continued to hold hands.

Lancaster motioned for them to approach. "My son says you have been teaching him and a few of his friends." Lancaster began.

The boy looked up at Nosdyn. "He knows a lot...better than some of the instructors at the Academy." The boy was young yet, and probably more out spoken than he should have been.

Lancaster observed the profound respect his son held for Nosdyn. Once they were both in front of him, Lancaster spoke again. "Come with me to my personal chamber for a moment I want to discuss a matter with you two."

They did so.

The elegant chamber was a side chamber and Lancaster was seated a very fancy chair. He was deep in thought. "My son says you have a way of teaching that is quite effective."

Nosdyn listened carefully. "My Father's teachings."

Lancaster stood up at that point and walked over towards Nosdyn. "I'm going to be frank here and tell you why you're both here. My son...has a learning deficit." It seemed to really pain Lancaster to admit that. "He is my only son. The Academy expelled him because he was not learning quickly enough." He looked at Nosdyn. "You, so far, have been the only one who could get through to those kids." Lancaster was thinking very carefully for a moment. "I called this meeting with you discuss a business proposition."

Nosdyn nodded. "Go on."

Lancaster laid it all on them. "There's a group of the slums...and they have no where to go. No one in the city will take them, not even the Orphanage. Some of them have serious learning conditions and worse problems. You're getting to them somehow. Whatever it is you're doing working." Lancaster paused for a moment. "I'm offering you a job, Nosdyn and Illsandra. You teach those kids, you help them become SOMETHING in this fucked up world they live in. In exchange I will pay you and your guild...very handsomely." Lancaster looked at Nosdyn for a moment. "What to you say?"

Nosdyn looked at his wife for a moment, then back to Lancaster. "We accept your proposal."