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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    The next day...

    As every other day before since it had first started...the children of the slums gathered before Illsandra and her Demon.

    The lessons were progressing, Nosdyn was actually a very skilled instructor. Illsandra admired her husband for that...not very many would have taken on those children like he had.

    When that day's lessons were complete, Nosdyn walked over towards Lancaster's son. In a profound gesture of kindness and sympathy...The Demon knelt before the boy and spoke to him with sincerity in his voice. "Your Father has explained to me the situation." Nosdyn said quietly. "The lessons I am teaching you and your friends...are secondary to what I'm about to tell you. We go at your own pace...always. I will never judge you, I will never be angry at you or yell at you, or hit you for any reason." Nosdyn looked at the boy, there was a sincerity in Nosdyn's eyes. "If you ever struggle you tell me and we will slow down. What I am teaching is gradual progression anyway...I just want you to understand that I am here. If you ever need anything you tell me." Nosdyn said very carefully.

    Then...the boy nodded quietly and in an equally profound gesture of his own...The Dark Elf boy hugged Nosdyn. A Son of Tular Plains. The gesture caught Nosdyn briefly off guard, but he hugged the boy back.

    Nearby, Illsandra observed her husband with the students and he interacted with him. He would have made an excellent Father.


    The night...

    Nosdyn was deep in thought as was his wife. The kids they were teaching...he was somehow helping them. About an hour later Nosdyn sensed something was troubling his wife. He turned to look at her. "My lady?" He asked softly...gestures of the heart, romance had always been difficult for him.

    She nodded towards her husband. "Nosdyn...there is a matter we must discuss. It might not be easy for you to hear it...but I swore to never keep secrets from you I just had to be certain this particular time."

    He kept his eyes on her and nodded. "Go can speak freely in front of me always."

    She sighed. "Past few weeks I have been consulting with my family's Medic about a matter that has been bothering me. Last week she confirmed the truth of what I am about to tell you. I just wanted to be certain of it." She paused, there was a deep burden there she was trying to word exactly right. "Nosdyn...I am barren I can't ever have your children." The matter pained her greatly. "Seeing you with how you behave towards those kids past few would have been an excellent Father. I can't give you that one thing I have always wanted to give you.' She looked away at that point. "I'm a failure."

    Seeing his wife in such pain...he understood the gravity of the situation. He walked slowly towards her, matters of the heart, expression...simple romance often was very difficult for him to express. He placed his hand gently on the side of her face and had her look directly at him. " sometimes cruel. You are my wife however." He said to her. "No matter what comes of this...because of the vows I swore to will always be my wife. And I your husband." He was trying to speak from the then Illsandra already understood how difficult such things were for him. "If there's ever anything I can do for you to alleviate any suffering or anguish you tell me."

    She nodded at that point gently. "There is one thing. I spoke to one of our allies about this matter. She has agreed to help. When you are ready to have children my lord. She has agreed to help. It is someone both me and you already trust."


    A short time later, Xyllea was summoned to their chambers she arrived quickly and nodded with profound respect towards Nosdyn and Illsandra.

    Nosdyn spoke first. "Why have you agreed to this Xyllea?" He just wanted to know the truth of the whole situation.

    Xyllea had a soft smile on her face. "The day you saved didn't even know who I was. I even attacked you directly earlier that week." She paused a moment but continued to speak. "When N'Jal's Agent attacked that day...not very many folks would have done what you did to save me. It was not brave...brave is not the right word. It was fucking HEROIC. You risked death to save someone you did not even know." She walked over towards Nosdyn and strangely enough, held his hand gently. "When I first joined your Guild I offered you my services, you knew then I could not give your people much in exchange. Your wife told me the entirety of the situation. Let me repay you for the kindness you have already shown me. Let me help the both of you with this one thing."

    Nosdyn was hesitant...but he knew they were both sincere. In his culture, back home on The Tular Plains it was a custom for some households to allow multiple partners. Some folks NEEDED more than one. He looked at his wife at that point. "Are you certain this is what you want?" He asked her.

    She nodded softly. "I can't give you children. I want you to be a Father."

    He looked at Xyllea at that point. And nodded. "I accept your arrangements."

    That night...the three of them shared the same would be the firs of many such events.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-15-2019 at 07:26 PM.

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