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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Day after day since the battle took place, Nosdyn kept his promise.

    He would spend as much time with the kids who did survive their fight against The Tribunal. He told Xyllea by that point, because he had honour, because he had so profoundly accepted Dark Elf laws and their way of doing things...he would hold himself responsible for those kids. Nobody else would. He sat next to Llukai one morning and watched him stirring, he awoke that day. Nosdyn smiled at his nephew. "Welcome back, boy." He placed his hand on his nephew's forehead.

    Llukai Lancaster looked at his Uncle and was sincerely happy The Demon was there. "They...did horrible things to us." Llukai admitted at that point, there was a pained expression in his eyes.

    Nosdyn nodded. "You fought well my student, your Father and Mother would have been proud. You kept your honour. You fought bravely against a far superior enemy that was going to do far worse to all of us had Xyllea and I not been there." Nosdyn felt the pain in his heart again. These kids were caught up in that mess because of him..he was not fit to lead anyone. He realized that at that point. This was no longer about him.

    Nosdyn would stay by those kids sides for as long as it took for them to heal.


    A few days later...

    Llukai finally recovered. The first two people he wanted to talk to was Nosdyn and Xyllea. He entered Nosdyn's office. "Uncle." The boy said to Nosdyn.

    Nosdyn looked up from his position of deep thought and he was sincerely happy to see the boy up and walking about. Nosdyn nodded to his nephew. "Some of your friends died." Nosdyn would always tell his allies the truth. "The Healers did all they could."

    Llukai walked over towards Nosdyn, once again display the maturity he had within. "The Priest told defeated them. You avenged us." For some reason, the boy understood the severity of what Nosdyn had done for them all.

    Nosdyn nodded. "Had I not taken up their would have never stopped." Nosdyn told them the truth. "Xyllea was with me, we made sure they would never bother us again."

    Llukai said something profound at that point. "Uncle...I finally understand what you've been trying to teach us this whole time. Far more than The Precepts of Our were teaching us how to lead. You cared about us where no one else would ever give a flying fuck." Llukai looked at his Uncle at that point. "As you taught us, I fought with to the best of our capacity, Uncle."

    Just then...Nosdyn cried. He was so moved by what he was hearing from the boy, that he cried. Here, he thought for a long while it had been about his pain, his recovery. But that boy, Lancaster's son had also accepted his ways. A Demon of the Tular Plains. Nosdyn stood up at that point and hugged his nephew closely. "Your Father would have been proud, boy." He held the boy for a long moment. "You and your friends have a place here, in The Guild." He said quietly to Llukai. "Where others saw outsiders, rejects...I saw something else in you all. I saw hope. You kids, Illsandra, and my wife all helped me get my humanity back." Nosdyn said profoundly to them all.

    Llukai nodded. "I'm sure where The Lady is right now...she would be smiling down to us." Llukai said quietly at that point.

    Xyllea had been nearby hearing the entire conversation, she didn't say a word, she merely listened. She smiled seeing how far her Demon had come. How far he'd grown. Illsandra...we saved him. Me and you did...together. We gave him his humanity back...maybe someday we can save all Demons. This was our victory...
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-18-2019 at 08:36 AM.

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