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    EXP: 5,465, Level: 3
    Level completed: 12%, EXP required for next Level: 3,535
    Level completed: 12%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,535

    darkest.desires.'s Avatar


    Camille Arianna Dark
    Camille had come out from her solitary confinement of a room at the inn to join the card game. Many times she gambled with the last of her coins that allowed her to stay indoors, have food in her belly and spice wine to keep her feeling whimsical. This time the pay off was greater then the consequences, she had beaten the infamous Shinsou Vaan Osiris and the pride in her made her chest swell. She watched as the Telgradian left the table, a frown pulled at the edges of her lips for a moment before the cards were set before her. The tip of her tongue wet her lips as her fingers shuffled the cards, dispensing them out to the card players. The look on her face was calm and pleasant, the first brute tossing a few coins into the center of the table, the others following suit. They all turned to look towards her, most tried to portray nothing but the eyes told their own story.

    "Fifty into the pot off the bat," another card player gawked.

    Her slender eyebrow arched at the wizard that seemed a bit concerned. "Worried about your hand, Alistare?" She grinned, the predator within her could smell the scent of anxiousness.

    His lips formed a tight line as he tossed in a few coins, a look of frustration on his face. "I am folding," the dwarf next to her knocked on the table, the other two echoed in response.

    Could this card game be over so soon? She thought coyly.

    She discarded two and drew from the deck, glancing down at her hand now. The beast within her growled with approval at the hand that she had. Glancing up towards the already frustrated wizard. He mumbled under his breath before discarding himself, grabbing another, his brow drawn together with determination.

    "One hundred gold coins," she said. Shoving more of her coins into the pot.

    The bearded mage all but spontaneously combust with frustration at her spontaneity. His fist slammed down on the table, the coins jumped from the impact. "Bullshit, you are trying to muck your hand!" He spat the words at her with disgust. The chatter around them seeming to die down quickly from the sudden outburst. The elf that sat closest to him placed a calming hand on his shoulders, the wizard grunted shaking it off. "This bitch has been playing us all night!" A few patrons let out a gasp.

    Camille slowly rose from the table, her hands firmly planted on it. She leaned forward, her bright gaze narrowed. "Put your money where your mouth is and flip your cards, I will do the same." Her voice was low and she could feel the feral beast within her scratch the surface.

    Begrudgingly he shoved his coins into the center of the table, Cammy nodded slowly and flipped her cards over at the same moment that the brute did. A grin pulled at her lips as he had a pair and she a straight flush. She picked up one coin and flicked it at the misogynistic man, "keep that coin and remember that someone with a pair of tits beat you."

    Swiping the rest of her lute in a now bulging coin purse she nodded towards the other players. "Gentle men, a pleasure."

    Turning on her heels she moved towards the bar, the weight of many eyes bore down on her as she sat on a stool. A calm look on her face as she crossed her legs over one another before the regular bar keep came over, an amused look on her face. "Indira," Camille greeted her with a kind smile.

    "Cammy, usual?" She nodded towards the spiced wine.

    "Please," she sighed as the bar maiden scurried to retrieve her bottle and a glass.
    Last edited by darkest.desires.; 11-18-2019 at 07:06 PM.
    * Gnarloc & Camille* Winner of Best Althanas Couple.

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