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  1. #1

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
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    Nosdyn's Avatar


    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    The day of the Rite of Purification...

    Xyllea had instructed him on everything the right would entail. For a brief period, he would be submerged in a pool of very special water. The liquid would serve as the conduit between their world and Lloth's realm. Nosdyn was not afraid.

    He was dressed in the ceremonial attire he was required to wear for the rite. Xyllea would be present the entire time. The followers of Lloth explained to him what he should expect...but he was not worried. After the time he'd encountered N'Jal herself...he was certain Lloth would not be as bad. The Lloth practitioners had surrounded Nosdyn as he went into the pool. He would have to completely submit to the rite for it to work.

    They laid down Nosdyn completely flat against the water's surface. He was not afraid. Slowly, the submerged him the water...


    Sometime later, he awoke in a different plane of existence. As he was told, the plane was a higher dimension. Nosdyn looked around for a moment. He didn't feel fear or malice, as he had when he encountered N'Jal. He only felt an almost erotic curiosity of him. There was a voice in the wind. Nosdyn was not afraid, the voices were guiding him to Lloth's location.

    He followed the voices instruction and found a small temple atop a hill. He looked at it, Lloth was there. He saw a beautiful Dark Elf woman. She motioned for him to approach. He did so. He didn't have any need to feel fear. He looked at her with a curiosity. He watched Lloth step to the side for a moment and there was another presence there..."Illsandra." Nosdyn said her name.

    Lloth spoke into Nosdyn's mind at that point. "That is the one etched on your heart. N'Jal herself told you this, did she not?"

    He nodded at that point the gods were able to see Mortals in a completely different way. "She took her life in front of me." Nosdyn told Lloth the truth.

    "You never knew why. The real why of it." Lloth said quietly.

    Nosdyn nodded. "I only knew the partial truth...she could never carry my children."

    "Nosdyn, my child." She suddenly said in a very calm voice...there was never any malice in Lloth's way of speaking. "N'Jal herself made your wife barren."

    For some reason, that notion never once dawned him. He sighed. But he continued to listen to Lloth. "That part of it I did not know."

    Lloth motioned to Illsandra at that point. "Speak to him, my child."

    Illsandra walked over to Nosdyn at that point. "We were lied to by N'Jal." Illsandra said. "She tricked you because she was afraid of you."

    Nosdyn carefully considered what he was hearing. "For what it's worth...I'm sorry I didn't see things sooner. Maybe I could have saved you."

    "You don't have to carry the guilt in your heart anymore, Nosdyn. Tell Xyllea thank you for how she has taken care of you since then." Illsandra said.

    "I don't ever want to forget you." Nosdyn said. "But I want to heal. For the sake of Xyllea and our son."

    "I will always be close to you, Nosdyn." She said. "Lloth will help you heal."

    Nosdyn nodded. "What do I have to do?"


    Nosdyn woke up a short time later, the rite having been completed. He felt a heavy heart at that point...but was at peace. Maybe...if I'd seen the signs sooner she would at least still be alive. Nosdyn was laying in a bed in a recovery chamber, Xyllea was present. "Illsandra told me to thank you." Nosdyn said calmly to her.

    Xyllea raised an eyebrow at that point at her husband but did not question it. The rite had been a success and Lloth had accepted her husband.

  2. #2

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    When Nosdyn came to...

    He was in a chamber he had no knowledge of...Xyllea was there with a sad look on her face. "You'd come so far." She said when Nosdyn awoke.

    "...What is happening?" Nosdyn was confused, he didn't understand what was going on.

    "I was ordered to have you killed." Xyllea explained. "The Lloth Priesthood ordered. They exchanged the safety of our son for your death."

    Nosdyn sat up at that point. "So...this was your intent?" Nosdyn could not believe what he was hearing. "This entire time, I trusted helped me heal...I trusted you!" Nosdyn didn't know what to do...he knew betrayal, he knew anguish. Nosdyn sighed at that point. "I am not going to fight back." He said at that point. "You MADE me accept your people and your culture...and this is what you will do in the end? Do it. Kill me I have no reason to live."

    Xyllea kept her eyes on him at that point, there was a sadness there. "I am sorry."

    Nosdyn looked at her calmly. "As am I." Nosdyn sat there in defeat at that point.

  3. #3

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Sometime later...

    He lost track of time at that point. He wasn't even sure how long he'd been in there for. Xyllea stopped coming after the last time they talked...he didn't really want to see her anyway. He thought about everything that had transpired. I've been such an idiot. He thought to himself. To think they would ever accept ME...a Son of the Tular Plains... He thought back to another time. When he realized he'd been becoming to reactive at that point. Maybe it's for the best if I died. He cried at that point. It somehow seemed a good thing to do. I don't know what to have things gone so wrong...

    He was bound by chains so he had very little mobility anyway. Father...I don't know if you can hear me...but I am sorry. I have failed us. He just sat there crying for a time until he became entirely numb. His people, would always have a cursed existence. Xyllea...I trusted you...


    One day...

    He was taken before a group of Dark Elfs he never saw before. Xyllea was not present, at least to his knowledge she was not. He figured he knew what this was going to be...a mock trial. Father...I have failed us. He thought to himself.

    A Speaker charged him with a bunch of crimes...stuff he had never even had any knowledge of. "How do you plead, Demon?" The Judge asked.

    "I plead fuck off." Nosdyn said to them and sighed.

    The Judge raised his eyebrow. "Do you jest?"

    "You fucking guys really don't get this do you? If you're going to kill me just do it...respect's already been thrown out the window at this point anyway." Nosdyn was angry at that point. He was trying really hard to avoid fighting back as long as he could...there was no reason to fight.

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