Nosdyn was awake at that point and dressed. He looked at Xyllea after a moment. "I think...I think things are going to be okay." He told her very calmly...for the first time since Illsandra's death...he felt actually at peace with himself.

Xyllea was quiet...since the rite had been completed she'd not said a word.

Nosdyn noticed that but did not want to intrude on her personal thoughts. They walked back quietly towards The Safe House. When they arrived, Nosdyn noticed the stranger there waiting for them. A Dark Elf. This one, Nosdyn never saw before.

Xyllea approached the man. The man handed Xyllea a small parcel, nodded and walked off quietly. Xyllea waited there for her husband.

Nosdyn was a little confused...but again, he did not want to pry he did not want to be intrusive. "A parcel..." Nosdyn said calmly.

Xyllea nodded calmly. "Forgive me." She said opened the package and suddenly attacked Nosdyn.

He was knocked completely out shortly there after.