Sometime later...

He lost track of time at that point. He wasn't even sure how long he'd been in there for. Xyllea stopped coming after the last time they talked...he didn't really want to see her anyway. He thought about everything that had transpired. I've been such an idiot. He thought to himself. To think they would ever accept ME...a Son of the Tular Plains... He thought back to another time. When he realized he'd been becoming to reactive at that point. Maybe it's for the best if I died. He cried at that point. It somehow seemed a good thing to do. I don't know what to have things gone so wrong...

He was bound by chains so he had very little mobility anyway. Father...I don't know if you can hear me...but I am sorry. I have failed us. He just sat there crying for a time until he became entirely numb. His people, would always have a cursed existence. Xyllea...I trusted you...


One day...

He was taken before a group of Dark Elfs he never saw before. Xyllea was not present, at least to his knowledge she was not. He figured he knew what this was going to be...a mock trial. Father...I have failed us. He thought to himself.

A Speaker charged him with a bunch of crimes...stuff he had never even had any knowledge of. "How do you plead, Demon?" The Judge asked.

"I plead fuck off." Nosdyn said to them and sighed.

The Judge raised his eyebrow. "Do you jest?"

"You fucking guys really don't get this do you? If you're going to kill me just do it...respect's already been thrown out the window at this point anyway." Nosdyn was angry at that point. He was trying really hard to avoid fighting back as long as he could...there was no reason to fight.