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  1. #8

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
    EXP required for next Level: 8,780

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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    He'd been put back in the cell at that point a few hours earlier...back in bondage and chains. He still didn't understand what was happening, or why any of this was going on. He sighed. A short while later the cell door opened and he was surprised by what he saw next. He looked away from him for the first time since he ever met Lancaster's son. "So they sent you to finish the job? Come to put the dagger in my heart yourself, huh? Do your worst." He looked away, he couldn't bring himself to fight back against these people anyway.

    Llukai Lancaster saw his Uncle, completely defeated at that pained his heart knowing the full truth of what happened. He knew Nosdyn might never forgive any of them, and he'd be well in his right. Llukai stood in front of his uncle and put his hands on the side of the man's face. One final act, of courage and friendship he would allow himself for the Demon. "Uncle." He began. "Listen to me, I am here to get you out of here. Xyllea did this to save your son, there was a Writ put on your head." Llukai was trying to explain what had gone so horribly wrong. "The Safe House is gone, Uncle. They killed anyone there who was present. Please show me that you understand what I am telling you."

    Nosdyn nodded to the boy but remained silent.

    At that point, Llukai undid Nosdyn's bonds. "I am going to get you out of Ettermire." Llukai said. As one final show of good faith, Llukai handed Nosdyn his weapon back. "Here you will going to need your weapon back." Llukai said calmly.


    They escaped the prison or whatever that Hell was out of a service exit. Llukai explained to him everything that had happened, why he had been so utterly betrayed.

    Nosdyn only listened at that point, he was too cold and numb to respond anyway by the point they reached the Ettermire Gates. They would have had to use a side exit anyway. Llukai guided Nosdyn outside of Ettermire at that point, outside of the city...there was no more need for pretense.

    His exile had been completed.

    For the first time, Llukai would address him simply as Nosdyn. "Nosdyn, stay off the main roads. They will be looking for you. You can't ever return to Ettermire. And for what it's worth...I'm sorry." Llukai turned around and walked somberly back towards Ettermire.

    He took one last look at Ettermire. Twice since he'd arrived there...he'd been completely rejected by Dark Elf women. The second time..Xyllea stole his son from him. Strangely, he felt no malice for any of it. There was a peace in his acceptance. He knew he was always going to be at odds with Mortals. Rejected by The Dark Elfs he once called his own family, he raised his hood and walked off into the night, alone. Maybe that would always have been for the best. He took Llukai's final advice and walked off in a direction away from the main road...


    Later that night...

    He sat by a tree. He was too scared to draw attention to himself so he didn't bother with a campfire. Exiled.. The realization hit him hard, like a ton of bricks. For the second time in his life...he'd been exiled. Where did I go so wrong, Father? Nosdyn thought to himself. But he knew, he was alone at that point...his Father would never again appear before him. He was too confused, too broken at that point to completely understand what had happened. The one part of it he did know...he was always going to be at odds with all mortal races. He gave up all hope days earlier. Just then, on the brink of complete all too familiar voice called out to him.

    Called his name from the darkness.

    Nosdyn... The voice was a woman...he knew that voice by that time of his life. He knew who it was that called him. He stood up at that point, trying to discern the direction he heard her call from.

    I hear you... Nosdyn thought back to the owner of the voice.

    Nosdyn...Son of Tharak...come to me. I will give you what you seek. The voice called, there was no malice in the voice...only a strangely sort of empathic understanding.

    Show me how to find you. Nosdyn responded to her...maybe it was an act of desperation or something else...but at that point, he accepted the mortal world had rejected him completely.

    It was actually much easier than Nosdyn actually though it would have been. Impulses, desires...something else perhaps...but the voice guided Nosdyn to a hidden network of caves well away from the main road...nobody would ever find him there. Unafraid, he walked into the cave. He somehow knew what he was going to find in there...he was not afraid.

    What he saw in the depths of the cave surprised him. A group of all female Undead were there...he'd never seen such a thing. The Priestess looked at Nosdyn, nodding with profound respect to him. She motioned behind herself...

    "N'Jal." Nosdyn said to her, she was there in the cave...physically there. By that point in his life he no longer felt fear for her...only a profound respect for his former adversary.

    "Show them your loyalty to me. Nosdyn Son of Tharak. Show them the kiss my Priestess from Corone gave you." N'Jal said calmly.

    It was a simple thing, he really didn't mind it either. If this was where he belonged...he accepted it. The mortal world had rejected him by then. Xyllea herself, stole her son from him. The Undead women watched him carefully, The Priestess had a lust in her eyes...a lust that was uncharacteristic of Undead. But Nosdyn did not mind it all, he never was repulsed by the children of N'Jal. He removed his cloak in front of them and vest, placing both on the ground. The Priestess saw it immediately. No questions would ever be asked, they simply accepted him because of the one who had bitten him.

    N'Jal was standing in front of him at that point, in her physical form. She looked at him. "What do you desire?" She asked, it was a simple question.

    Nosdyn nodded. "A place to call home...a place to belong. The world of Mortals have rejected me. Me and you...we're not so different."

    N'Jal spoke again. "What would you give in exchange?"

    "Anything." Nosdyn responded without that point nothing mattered anymore. He'd been so completely betrayed by Xyllea he had no more ties to his humanity anyway.

    In a profound sort of way, N'Jal kissed Nosdyn deeply right then. "I want you to become my Champion. Like it was always meant to be." She said calmly, such a simple request to ask.

    Nosdyn thought about that for a moment. "What would be required of me?" The Dark Elf's and indeed, mortal races of the surface dwellers as a whole had completed rejected Nosdyn. He'd always be an exile.

    "Your love...and a bit of something else. These women...I made for you Nosdyn. You will give them your seed. Night after night, you will fill them. When the time comes, you will understand the purpose of this all. But for now....I want you to make love to me." N'Jal said.

    Since it was that point his only ally asking that of him, he would not say no to her. He would never say no to her...or any of the women that were made for him. Without even thinking on it, he removed his pants and showed her his Demon's physique. He'd always been well toned.

    N'Jal admired her Demon. She kissed him deeply, and they did indeed partake of each other that night...hours into the night. He would fill N'Jal's womb with his seed over and over. To show her that he had completely accepted becoming her Champion.

    Maybe...because Xyllea had so completely rejected him...maybe that was where he belonged. By N'Jal's side.

    After the first month...he no longer thought about Illsandra or Xyllea anymore...N'Jal filled the void in his heart.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-20-2019 at 09:19 AM.

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