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  1. #18

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Hours into the battle...something happened.

    N'Jal and Nosdyn closed in on Llukai Lancaster's position.

    N'Jal watched her Champion closely...this would be his single most difficult challenge ever, she knew. But she would never judge her champion. The fighting stopped by that point. She observed what happened next.

    Nosdyn looked at Llukai Lancster standing in front of him..he could have easily struck the boy down. Something happened right then...a memory of the past. He recalled when he first met Lancaster's son. The boy has a learning deficit. You are reaching them when no one else ever could. It was only then, the circle had come completely around. He looked at the boy, shut his weapon off and attached it back to his belt. He could never bring himself to truly harm Lancaster's boy. He looked at N'Jal, his master for a sign, for approval.

    Do what you must, I am by your side. She said telepathically to him alone.

    Maybe it was out of pity, or something else entirely...but he could never bring himself to harm the kid. He walked directly in front of the boy. "For what it's worth, your Father would have been proud of you boy." There was no malice in Nosdyn's voice at that point...only a profound peace.

    Llukai looked back at Nosdyn...he was beginning to understand something just then. "I have failed you, Nosdyn." Llukai should have been the one man, the one ally Nosdyn could have always depended on. Something happened to Llukai's head at that point, he'd recalled a time in his youth when he first met Nosdyn. The memory was a profound one...was the first time Nosdyn stuck his neck out for Llukai...the first time of many in their lives. It was then, he realized the profound failure of what had happened. "Forgive me My Lord." Llukai said honestly at that point, he'd never been so honest at he had at that point in his life.

    Nosdyn would never bring great harm to the boy. The other soldiers were watching what transpired...they would never understand the profound admiration and love he held in his heart for that kid. He looked at Llukai and spoke. "Your Father once told had a learning deficit boy. I was the only one who had reached you...who could teach you in any sort of way." Nosdyn sighed, it had always been difficult for him to be so forthcoming and honest. "Had things gone different...i would have died for you boy. To honour your Father." Nosdyn took a long look at the boy. He was hoping somehow, he could reach the one man who could ever done anything to stop what he'd gone through...the hell he'd been through.

    It was only then, Llukai Lancaster understood. At long last, the boy understood what the man he once called his own family had been trying to teach him that entire time. Nosdyn would have united their people at one point. Llukai sighed realizing how so very profoundly he'd failed the one man he should have fought for his entire life. He nodded towards Nosdyn at that point. "Go. Be at peace...we are not enemies." Llukai said to the man profoundly. Llukai was thinking on what had just happened, N'Jals greatest Champion had just spared him...a lowly boy who'd always had a learning deficit. He looked as N'Jal and Nosdyn somberly left the field of battle. He looked at his adviser, and right then did the single most brave thing he would ever do in his life. To honour honour the one man who ever gave a shit about him and his friends his entire life. To do SOME good for the sheer fucked up situation he had caused, he could have stopped it...but he'd been a coward and a fool. "Order the retreat." Llukai said.

    When they would return to Ettermire that day, he would stand down as General, he was not fit to lead anyone.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-20-2019 at 09:48 AM.

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