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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    [Solo] The Nosdyn Chronology Chapter 8.

    (Note: Continues about a week or so after the events of Chapter 7 and is part of an on-going series. I didn't go too overboard with it in the last chapter, but I'll put the warning here anyway as well, MAY contain some erotic content.)

    That night...

    Tharak held Lilly in his arms, they'd slept peacefully together after they'd fashioned the bracelets for the group of them. Tharak knew at that point, Xyllea could no longer harm them. It was critical this occurred that way, especially for his father's sake. He awoke at some point, well in the night...something troubled him but he was not sure what it was. In his movement, he awoke his companion. "Sorry, Lilly, I didn't mean to wake you." He said to her.

    She nodded. "What is troubling you?" She asked.

    Tharak thought about it for a moment. "I am worried for my father. He may not be able to harm her when the time comes...I don't think he can. I don't want to see him suffer anymore." Tharak said.

    Lilly nodded. "He still loves her." Lilly responded.

    Tharak listened to his friend. "I've become aware of that now too..I don't know what will happen that day, none of us do. I'm just afraid for my father."

    Lilly held him close to her, as he hugged her as well. "We will do what we can to keep him safe, to protect him." Lilly promised.


    N'Jal stood before her champion. The scrying techniques she was showing him were potent. N'Jal pointed to the form that was Xyllea. "There she moves through Ettermire periodically. I've been watching her since we have started this. She alternates at night between these three points in Ettermire back alley districts. Something is there that their government either knows or doesn't know about." N'Jal said.

    Nosdyn observed quietly. "Xyllea's movements are not erratic in nature." Nosdyn told his master. "There are choke-points there, and there." He said carefully, displaying the knowledge he had. "Whatever is being done in those places, were carefully chosen to prevent full-scale assault."

    "There is something else. She periodically leaves the city of Ettermire to this location here." She pointed to the scrying tool, and there, a single structure appeared...well outside of Ettermire's influence.

    Nosdyn knew that structure. "It's a temple of Lloth." Nosdyn said calmly. "She probably has some of her contacts already influencing policy in that group now."

    "Are you certain?" N'Jal asked.

    He nodded. "I would do the same in her's an effective strategy. Poison your enemy from within." Nosdyn realized that temple would be the most strategic location for a drawn out final battle with Xyllea. "That is the place this will occur." Nosdyn said.

    N'Jal nodded. "I shall place scouts to track her movements and we will prepare. When the time comes we will trap them in that temple, and confront her one last time."

    Nosdyn thought carefully. "My master I have one final favor to ask of you. Illsandra...her ghost made me swear to try to save her, reach her if I can. Give me a chance to try...this one last thing I beg of you."

    N'Jal nodded. "I will grant you your wish, Nosdyn."
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-25-2019 at 04:01 PM.

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