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    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Later that same week...

    A scout returned to N'Jal with urgent news. She was one of the first ones that had been trailing Xyllea's movements around Ettermire. The scout walked up to her master, and Nosdyn was present.

    "Speak." N'Jal ordered.

    "She will move to the temple tomorrow, about midday, we can strike at that point." The scout said. She saluted the master, and Nosdyn and returned to her duties.

    Nosdyn looked at N'Jal at that point. "It is time."


    They arrived at the temple of Lloth, following Nosdyn's own advice they would be certain that Xyllea was present at the exact time it would occur. There we be no cowardice, or trickery that time.


    Xyllea looked at her contact. "It's all there you are certain?"

    He nodded. "Yes...the exact amount you asked for." He handed the package to her.

    Just all went to shit.

    The temple of Lloth was under attack from an all-too familiar enemy.

    "No..." Xyllea said to her contact. "Get as many out of here as you can, we must cover our tracks."

    But it was already too late...


    Nosdyn entered the temple first. He was somber, he had a different mission from everyone else. He would honour Illsandra's final wish to him. He spotted her immediately. He began to slowly march towards her, the same as the last time. He lowered his hood so she knew it was him. He kept his eyes locked on her...that sympathy and understanding was there. Save her...if you can... Illsandra's words repeated themselves in his mind over and over.

    At some point, he was directly in front of her.


    Xyllea looked at Nosdyn. "How have you found me here?" She asked, there was malice in her voice, hatred.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-25-2019 at 04:04 PM.

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