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    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Nosdyn thought back once the day he first met her. Xyllea...the day he risked certain death to save a lowly apprentice. He walked right up to her, he did not activate his weapon, he was not angry. There was a sort of peace in his eyes...come what may of whatever happened next. He stood in front of her at that point. And did the single most courageous thing he thought to do at that point, he placed his hand on the side of her she had once done so often for him, supposedly to help him heal. "You are sick Xyllea, confused." Nosdyn began. "When I first met you, I chose saving your life over defeating an enemy. I didn't ask for anything back, I didn't ask for reward. You were an apprentice...who was rejected by her guild." Nosdyn said calmly. He saw in her eyes there was a fury there, a hatred. But he continued to talk to her...try to reach her if he could. "Please Xyllea, honour our union this one last time. Let me help you."

    By then all of N'Jal's forces, including N'Jal were inside the temple of Lloth. But all of the fighting stopped, all eyes were on Xyllea and Nosdyn.

    Then...right before their eyes, the unthinkable happened. Xyllea reached for her dagger, an augmented weapon, and suddenly stabbed Nosdyn in the chest. It would be a lethal injury, she'd see to it. "Fall, monster." She suddenly said.

    Right then, at the end of all things...the truth had become apparent to Nosdyn. She was gone...the woman he'd given himself so freely to was sick and insane, she was gone. He started to cry at that point and fell to his knees as she removed the dagger from his chest. Blood was already trickling down his mouth from what ever sorcery the blade was augmented with. "If that is your wish." Nosdyn whispered to Xyllea, and he accepted his fate. He didn't try to fight the circumstances, he would simply allow himself to die with dignity.

    Just as Xyllea began to walk away from Nosdyn...thinking she had won...the single most terrifying thing any of them would ever witness in their lives...happened.

    A single, primal scream from N'Jal herself. She'd had enough of Xyllea at that point...three times at that exact point...she'd done horrible things to those two proud demons. And now...before her own very eyes she attempted to strike her champion down. She attacked Xyllea, with all the fury and mastery she knew, she would make the bitch suffer ten-fold for everything she'd done to these two demons. Mortals often thought of N'Jal as a monster...but she knew the truth mortals like Xyllea...they were truly evil and such truth disgusted her. By the time N'Jal was done making Xyllea suffer, her body was already burning away into ash. She'd unleashed the fury of hell itself onto her.

    She rushed immediately to her champion's side, she'd honured his request to try to reach her one last time...he'd been fatally injured as a result. N'Jal placed her hand on the side of his face. Blood was trickling profusely from the side of his mouth. "Please don't leave me."

    Nosdyn heard her voice call to him, it was becoming difficult to focus from whatever sorcery Xyllea had hit him. "I tried my master...I tried to save her...thank you for granting me this one last thing."

    All who were present were stunned by what had transpired. Tharak watched his father...

    "NO!" N'Jal yelled. To cheat death itself for his sake, she would stop the hands of time itself. She would not let her champion die in such a cold, dishonorable way...he deserved better than what Xyllea had done to them all. At that point, she suddenly teleported her soldiers, including Tharak and Lilly back to their home. She would not risk Nosdyn...she knew such magics always had affected him adversely. Nosdyn, she would carry herself, she spread her wings and flew towards the cave carrying Nosdyn in her arms. For the first time in a really long time...N'Jal cried knowing her champion was on the verge of death.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-25-2019 at 04:09 PM.

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