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  1. #10

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
    EXP required for next Level: 8,780

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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    The next day...

    Nosdyn sat next to N'Jal. He remembered the undead that once served under him in his Guild. He'd come a long way since those days, it had been a long and hard road since then. He recalled a time, something he told one of his closest allies...."So this is how you spend eternity." Nosdyn said out loud and chuckled. He had not been terribly wrong either. The past often had a way of returning to bite you in the ass when you were not ready or prepared. He noticed N'Jal was looking at him.

    "What do you mean?" She asked.

    "Something I told a friend once. He was one from the temple when I first was engaged against you. I was young and foolish in those days. I didn't see as clearly as I do now." Nosdyn sighed, but he held no more malice for N'Jal those days were done. "It was at that point I discovered that I was people were immune." He turned to her. "I can never be like you." He nodded though. "But it's all right I meant what I said to you that first night...when Xyllea caused my exile. Me and you...we are more alike than you will ever know." He nodded.

    N'Jal hugged him at that point. The priestess was sleeping next to them too. She'd been worn out hours earlier..."You've done well my champion." N'Jal said to him. She knew there would be more lessons, things they would learn from one another...


    In the side chamber...

    The two were working together at that point. They both had fierce minds, fierce intelligence. Tharak was writing notes down in a journal, compiling everything that he had learned up until that time, constructing an entire research library of their work. Once he was done writing for that particular session, he looked at Lilly. "I want to teach something." He told her.

    Lilly paused what she was working on and walked over towards her companion. "What would you show me, my lord?" She asked of him.

    "I want to teach you the language of my people. As my father taught me when I was very young. So me and you can speak to each other in that tongue. No Secrets Lilly." He suddenly said, continuing the tradition his father had started, he extended his hand for her.

    "No secrets." She agreed, and shook his hand.

    That night...the teachings would begin in earnest.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-25-2019 at 04:23 PM.

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