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    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    "Come, Lilly, father has a way of doing things, of teaching." Tharak told his friend. There was an eagerness in the demon's voice...they'd already all gone through so much together.

    Lilly nodded. "I will always be by your side." They quickly moved into the side cavern that had been set up...


    The cavernous network had not yet been fully explored...there was a network of caves all around them. Nosdyn needed a suitable sized chamber for the next part of it all. About two weeks earlier, they'd come across such a chamber. It had the exact dimensions he needed. It was almost...fate guiding them. Nosdyn and his students, the children of N'Jal, Llukai, and his son, Tharak were all present. Nosdyn had a way of teaching...he could reach people who many others would pass up on. Before him, stood a host of N'Jal's own children...each one of them female. There was Llukai Lancaster, and his son, Tharak arrived a few moments later with his companion, Lilly.

    It had been weeks since the initial lessons began.

    Nosdyn observed the ferocity in Llukai Lancaster's eyes at that point, he'd been getting taught well at that point. Though he was a dark elf, the boy had accepted Nosdyn's culture, his people. On his own flesh one of the undead woman etched the symbols of house Krotar.. Nosdyn son of Tharak instructed the students there in the martial tactics of his father. They were grasping quickly...Nosdyn approached Llukai son of Lancaster and nodded to the boy. The entire class stopped at that point. "Student, state the precepts of house Krotar."

    Llukai did so without hesitation, he'd remembered the teachings of Nosdyn since he was a child...


    That night...Llukai son of Lancaster sat in a side chamber alone, he needed to think. He'd found friends, a place to call home with his uncle and teacher, Nosdyn. He sighed as he sat there. Things had been so messed up for so long. At that point, he noticed a presence was near, the woman who had marked the symbols of Krotar house on his own body at his request. "You..." He said to her, there was no malice in his voice, he'd just been tired of running for so long. He was tired of the pain he'd felt.

    The woman walked up towards him calmly, there was an acceptance of the boy in her eyes. "May I sit with you?" She asked.

    Llukai motioned for her to be seated. "Yes...I just needed to think...I've been so very tired."

    She sat down next to him, taking her place by his side. She placed her hand around his own was a very good thing. "You don't have to be alone anymore." She said calmly to him.

    "I...I've never had a companion before." Llukai admitted. He looked away with a great pain in his eyes. "I was always just a stupid boy with a learning deficit. No dark elf woman would ever want me." He sighed. Nosdyn was the only one who ever looked at him any different...

    "Llukai..." She said his name at that point. "My people won't ever judge you. I see something else in those eyes, understanding and maturity."

    Hearing her say that, one of N'Jal's own children had a mysterious effect on the boy. "I cannot offer you much." Llukai said to her calmly. He'd been crying by that point. He suddenly understood what Nosdyn son of Tharak saw in N'Jal and her followers. There was a sincere honesty in their fold.

    She nodded. "That will be enough, I just want to help heal your pain and suffering." She promised to Llukai.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-27-2019 at 04:17 PM.

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