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    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Llukai son of Lancaster thought of something a short while later, he'd been thinking on it since the woman first joined him. A somehow make amends for what he'd done to Nosdyn. To begin repairing some of the damage he directly had been responsible for. Before he spoke he made certain, it was what he wanted...the path he was meant to walk on. "Can I.. ask something of you?" Llukai said, there was a sincerity in the boy's voice

    The woman nodded and looked in his direction. "Yes...what do you want to talk about?"

    He sighed and tried to muster up the courage for the single most selfless act he would ever do in his life. " I become like you? A child of N'Jal, I mean? I have to start making some of this right again...I have to repair some of the damage I've caused Nosdyn."

    She paused for a long moment at what she was hearing, a part of her was excited by the prospect..but as she'd been taught she would never force undeath on a person without their complete permission. " must be completely certain this is what you want. I am not allowed to transfer the catalyst without someone's own free will." She said. "Then I bite you...a bite is the single most direct way. You will undergo a brief period of tremendous pain when it is over you will be a child of N'Jal for the rest of your life." She was telling him the truth...she would always tell him the truth.

    Llukai thought about it for a moment. "I have to make this right somehow. Maybe by submitting completely to you and N'Jal...I can make some of this right." He said carefully. "How do we begin this?"

    She stood up at that point and looked at the boy for a moment. "Take off your shirt." She told him, no malice was in her was simply a woman asking a boy to take off his shirt.

    He did so without any sort of hesitation or fear. "I submit myself completely to you." He said to her.

    She paused for a moment. She tried to remember the exact position The priestess from Corone had once bitten Nosdyn. She would honour the boy's request and begin the process. "I will try to make this as painless for you as possible." She said.

    He shook his head and began to cry for her. " what you must. I am not afraid." He said showing an almost extreme amount of courage and bravery.

    A few moments later, it began. She bit him, slowly at first. Llukai, since his time there, had accepted the children of N'Jal. She bit him..after the first few moments he no longer even minded it. He did something to show her how completely he accepted her and her people. "Don't hold back with me. Don't ever hold back...I'm just a stupid boy from Ettermire who caused some of this whole mess." He suddenly placed both of his hands on the back of her head and pulled her closer to him as she bit him, he was enjoying the somehow served as a counter-agent to all the suffering he had endured all those years.

    He acknowledged his pain as he held her closely to him transferring the catalyst into his body. He started moaning in pleasure at that point, in their physical union. Memories...memories of the past surfaced. He recalled his early youth...when he first met Nosdyn son of Tharak. Even back then, he'd always been a stupid boy with a learning deficit...Nosdyn had reached him and accepted him and his father's plight. "Please, mother. Let me do this one thing to make this right." He said out loud as he thought of how many times, in his youth, Nosdyn had stuck his neck out for him and his father...

    A short while later it was had actually gone much better than she thought it would. She drank of his blood and flesh, memories of the boy's life were also transferred into her mind...they would have a connection for the rest of their existence. She sat down next to him once the process was over. "Don't fight it Llukai, let the change occur naturally." She explained to him.

    He nodded at that point to her, by that part of the whole process he was fully a child of N'Jal. "I just thought of something...I don't even know your name. Things have been so crazy for me for such a long time I never thought to ask you your name until just now."

    She listened to the boy, there was a soft smile on her face at that point. "It's name is Aelldra."

    He nodded to her. "Let's just stay here for a while and you, to make amends for some of my own sins of the past." He said to her.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-26-2019 at 04:23 PM.

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