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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    A thing occurred to Nosdyn at that point. He looked as his master, N'Jal, slept next to him and he kissed her forehead gently. He walked over to the side chamber where his son's lab was. He noticed the lights were always on in the night, and he heard Tharak and his friend, Lilly, speaking quietly to one another about matters he had no knowledge of. He silently over towards his son, and his chosen companion. "Boy, there is a matter me and you must speak about." He said to his son. "Lilly can be be present for this." Nosdyn told his son.

    Tharak nodded and they both paused whatever alchemy they were working on at that point. Tharak turned to look at his father. "What is your will, father?" The boy asked.

    Nosdyn stood in front of the boy and his companion. "There is a lesson I must teach you both." He said calmly. "This is not martial tactics...or anything of that nature...this is another matter." Something troubled Nosdyn deeply, perhaps it was his age by that point.

    Tharak listened to what his father was saying. "Go on." He said.

    He placed a hand on the boy's shoulder and Lilly's shoulder as well. Something was troubling Nosdyn. "This thing I am going to teach you two...I have kept inside since my father taught me as a boy. It is our legacy, boy. I want to teach you...before it ever becomes too late...the history of our people."

    Tharak somehow understood what pained his father so. "Father...Xyllea, mother...she would never let me acknowledge who I was. I will honour your request my father...we will learn all you have to teach us."

    Nosdyn knelt before his boy and his chosen companion...there was a something there...a connection between father and son. He closed his eyes at that moment and began to cry before them. "My father, your grandfather...once told me it was our people's destiny to die in battle. Twice now...N'Jal herself has cheated death itself to prevent my own passing before my time. But I know boy, I know my own time is coming and very soon. I want you to know of the long line of proud demons that came before you. What our house, Krotar house stands for." And so...Nosdyn began to speak, in the Haidian tongue to his he'd taught his boy so many years earlier. He knew somehow...his teachings would have been retained by the boy. There was too much demon in his blood...too much honour at stake.

    He looked at Lilly and somehow noticed that she understood what he was saying as well. His son had taught her their language, the language of his forefathers. He would speak of their proud lineage and heritage for hours that day, to try to instruct them in the ways of his people. Once, Xyllea had attempted to kill the two demons for who they were...Nosdyn had to prepare in case the same thing ever happened again someday. He had to pass on the knowledge of who his people were...their history and culture. And the knowledge of the horrible thing The Tribunal made him do in his youth...the sins of his past.

    He would make sure his son understood what was at stake...what their people stood for. He was trying to be there for his son...trying to be the father that Illsandra herself once said he would have been very good at being.

    The entire time, N'Jal watched the event unfold in silence...she somehow knew what Nosdyn feared. And the hour was rapidly upon them...
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 12-02-2019 at 10:05 PM.

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