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  1. #6

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    N'Jal watched her champion quietly, he'd grown considerably older by that time..wiser. She knew, he would have been an elder of his people by that time. Something troubled her champion...but she guessed what it was. He could feel death's shadow on his back. She wrapped her hand around his hand. "What bothers you so my champion?"

    "I'm...old." Nosdyn said finally. He didn't want to trouble her with that matter...his people aged differently but he'd been alive for a very long time. He'd fought the demons in his heart for a long time. He accepted the truth of what was going to happen someday. "Father once told is my people's destiny to die in battle."

    "You wish to honour your father?" She asked of him.

    "One last time my master." He nodded to her. "To honour all he has taught me, all you and your children have taught me. I'm just an old demon at this point...haunted by too many battles." He was being truthful to her, honest and that pain haunted him at that point that knowledge that death was watching his every movement by that time of his life.

    She was not sure how she had not seen it up until that point. Somehow, she'd grown complacent of the fact that he'd always been there since that first night he joined her many years ago. It was all catching up to them at that point, looming like a specter. "Eventually, all things wither and die." N'Jal said at that point.

    It reminded him of something an old friend...long gone, once told him. "He said the same thing to me once. The old priest from the temple outside of Ettermire." Nosdyn said, remembering the wise old undead priest he'd once called a friend. "I once told Llukai's father I was not afraid to die. I meant that, I always have." He said.

    N'Jal was deeply concerned for her champion's well being. She knew what she was prepared to do to keep him alive, to keep him by her side. But she didn't want him to ever hate her for it...

    At that point Nosdyn did and said something. He placed his hand on the side of N'Jal's face. "Do not be so troubled by my burdens my master. Walking by your side was the greatest choice I have ever made for myself. I have no regrets...come what may I would die to honour you and your teachings."
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-25-2019 at 10:31 PM.

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