As he awoke he held Xelldra a little closer in his arms. That feeling, that dread that had been in his heart for some time was ever present. He narrowed his eyes at that point and knew that no more sleep would come. He kissed the top of Xelldra's head for a moment and then gently rose from their bed. He needed time to think, to organize his thoughts. He walked towards an empty side chamber, much of the cavernous network remained unexplored.

He felt N'Jal's presence behind him. "My master." He told her, and turned to face her.

"You encountered their leader tonight did you not?" N'Jal asked.

Nosdyn nodded. "Yes...apparently diplomacy will not work here."

N'Jal thought about what she wa hearing. "They will be our greatest challenge so far my must gather your strength."

"I know what's at stake." Nosdyn said in response. "There was something...interesting." He said to her.

"What did you see?" N'Jal asked.

"He was afraid. It was not that different from when we fought Xyllea that last time." Nosdyn said. "There is fear...where this fear there will be desperation. Many lives will be lost." Nosdyn explained to her.

N'Jal considered her demon's analysis. "Did he state when a challenge would occur? A confrontation?" She asked.

"No...but I suspect likely soon." Nosdyn had a grim expression on his face.

"You are certain you do not wish to go to Ettermire directly?" N'Jal asked of him.

"I am...Lloth herself would be an outside element we cannot afford to engage." Nosdyn did not want to see any needless suffering because of an extended battle with the cult.

"Then I must prepare another plan." N'Jal suddenly said. "You will be excluded from a direct Ettermire assault."

"My master...?" Nosdyn did not like what he was hearing. "I simply am stating a more optimal route..." Nosdyn tried to get her to understand what he was saying, where he was coming from.

"You will not disobey me!" N'Jal suddenly yelled. Perhaps a little harsher than she meant to. "You will be excluded from Ettermire's direct assault party there will be another plan for you." She said and she walked away silently.

Nosdyn was left there, a growing bitterness for his situation in his heart. Lancaster...I remember what you told me, when it comes time I will save your son and our debt will be fulfilled. You have my word. Nosdyn knew, he was going to be cut out from all planning form there on out...he was being punished for some reason he did not quite understand, or cared to.