
Many days later...

Nosdyn looked at Llukai son of Lancaster at that point. "You've come a long way, boy." He said with a soft smile. Nosdyn had grown grim at that point, N'Jal herself cut him off from all tactical decisions in the battle for Ettermire. He didn't care he had a different mission anyway, to save Lancaster's son when the time came. "I don't want you to ever feel afraid."

Llukai nodded. "You've taught me so much and I've learned many things from Aelldra directly." He told his teacher.

"We have our own paths to walk and follow, never forget that." Nosdyn looked at Llukai. "I have your back, always." He told the boy.

Llukai nodded. "I know. I am not alone anymore is what is important. I want to prove myself to you Nosdyn."

It was there, the ferocity in his eyes was there. "Remember all I've taught you. You will do well. You will serve the master well." Nosdyn said calmly he was trying to contain the bitterness and rage he felt towards N'Jal at that point. His own demons, his own battles were his own conflict he did not want to drag anyone else into it.

Llukai noticed something had changed with Nosdyn, but he said nothing. He would always respect what the old demon would have to say. "Everything will unfold as it's meant to." Llukai said...

The End.