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  1. #1

    EXP: 11,761, Level: 4
    Level completed: 56%, EXP required for next Level: 2,239
    Level completed: 56%,
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    Paladin_Lorenor's Avatar



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    Lorenor sat in deep meditation as he convened with the one from so long ago. The voice that had answered from the darkness herself when he'd fallen in the defense of Radasanth so many ages prior. The voice was promising things, as such entities often did. But Lorenor was past that point in his life now where he'd been betrayed by N'Jal and her followers. However, there was a difference in the current situation, the entity he was speaking to was far more primal, far more ancient than N'Jal ever would be. There was some sense of loyalty there.

    So what do you say? The voice from beyond asked.

    Lorenor listened to the entire proposal, every single word. He was not a fool at that point, he knew from firsthand experience those entities from beyond always had their own agenda always. It's no longer that simple sire. Lorenor said in response. I've bartered with my own freedom in exchange for power more than once. The second time I was burnt. You will have to offer something different here. Lorenor was being honest, he knew the voice from beyond could smite him at any moment. But there was another element in play at that point.

    There was a pause. Then we are negotiating? The voice asked with a certain sense of satisfaction. You have learned much since that night in Radasanth, you know how contracts work now.

    I'm willing to help if the exchange I get back is fair. Lorenor said bluntly. Power in itself no longer interests me, I have a different desire now. Lorenor said to his sire. But yes, my sire, we are negotiating. Lorenor felt it at that point, the voice from beyond had a sense of desperation, he almost felt pity for his sire.

    Tell me what you seek? The voice from beyond asked.

    Instead of telling him, Lorenor opened his mind to the sire. See for yourself my sire. Lorenor said calmly.

    A short time later...

    You were a member of the Ixian Knights? The voice from beyond asked. There is an outside way to sever the influence of a Thayne then. Most impressive my pupil. What you seek, what you want I can provide you.

    That got Lorenor's interest right away. You are serious? Despite my allegiance to the light now? Lorenor asked.

    I need your help Lorenor the rest does not matter. As you are aware my kind cannot intervene on the mortal planes in the same way the Thayne can. That is why help becomes very important. What you ask in exchange is more than acceptable. I just need your complete assistance in this matter.

    Lorenor nodded. We are in agreement.
    Last edited by Paladin_Lorenor; 12-06-2019 at 04:19 PM.

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