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  1. #1

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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
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    He'd been trained and embraced by N'Jal.

    A distinct feeling of dejavu affected Nosdyn as he approached the temple of Lloth, the priesthood.

    It was just one of many such temples around Althanas...

    He was death, he was a follower of N'Jal.

    The front guards of the establishment of Lloth look at Nosdyn carefully, that initial moment where they don't attack was a mistake.

    Nosdyn proceeds by attacking the guards directly, no remorse. A short while later they are both horribly dead.

    He enters that Lloth temple and proceeds to execute all the patrons within.

    He doesn't tell them why, there's no need to. They had sent an agent of theirs in attempt to control him and he was a force of nature that could not and would not be controlled.

    He starts making his way towards the central chamber where the priesthood gathered...mostly women.

    Mostly were going to be dead.

    His eyes narrowed and he licks his lips for a moment. He was enjoying that type of carnage. N'Jal had trained him into a killing machine as he was always meant to be. He killed all who got in his way. Only their leaders mattered....

    Once he makes his way to the leadership chamber, they are wisely awaited armed and ready for war.

    Nosdyn kicks the doors in and enters calmly. The leader, a woman who was a descendant of Xyllea, he could tell by her scent, walks up to him. "What are you doing here?" She asks.

    He looks away for a moment then looks directly at her. "You're of Xyllea's blood." He says coldly.

    The remark leaves the woman confused for a moment. "How do you know this? Nobody was supposed to know that..."

    He frowns for a moment. "The blood never lies. I could smell your scent, it has a familiar aspect that of the Xyllea bloodline." He removes his hood for a moment and looks at her directly. "You know why I am here."

    She nods. "Can we work this out?" She begs, and pleads with Nosdyn.

    "I once thought your people had honour." He begins. "I was wrong on more than one situation. Your people tried....and have me killed more than once. You are going to pay for your ancestors sins." He was crazy, that much was clear. "There is nothing to work out here either you kill me and we end this all right now, or I kill you and keep my blood tithe going." He approaches them at that point drawing his maces. There were ten people in the chamber, his mind had already calculated their positions and combat prowess...he proceeds with what he was going to do.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 03-17-2021 at 08:51 AM.

  2. #2

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
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    There it was again...that strange feeling of dejavu.

    He knew once in his life, he'd been a simple and lowly enforcer. Working for some underworld guild with their own agenda. He'd grown weary and tired of the games that Humans play with one another. He'd rather approach things in a much more direct method and way. He takes down one of the priests in the eastern most portion of the room. Xyllea's descendant panics and she falls to her knees crying. Fool. He continues to attack and soon nine of the ten people are dead. He walks over to Xyllea's spawn. "I once was in love with your ancestor." He tells her calmly.

    He sees that she will not fight, he prefers them to fight. He sheathes his two maces and looks at her. "I'll let you live." He was crazy, he was acting in an erratic state at that point. He looks at the woman calmly. "I've made my point here today anyway and you'd be a boring kill."

    She is crying hysterically at that point...

    He begins to walk away slowly from the Xyllea bloodline.

    Once he loved their people and had accepted their ways as his own.

    Once he'd been a fool.

    As he walks out of the room he is confronted by a small group of guards of the temple. "Now...this is getting interesting." He says calmly.

    A burly male walks up to him. "Cease your blood tithe." He commands.

    Nosdyn raises an eyebrow. "And if I don't?"

  3. #3

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    A memory haunted him at that point as he looked off to his left for a moment.

    He saw the shade of his first lover, Illsandra.

    She nods towards him. "Fight with all of your prowess my love."

    He nods. He then turns to look towards the burly guard. "You should move now." He says. "Move or die."

    The burly guard knows he is serious. The guard is a descendant of Lancaster's brood. This bunch though lacked honour. Nosdyn smelled the scent of Lancaster. "Lancaster..." Nosdyn began. "You're a Lancaster." He looks at the guard calmly. "Your family owes me."

    He looks at Nosdyn confused. "How do you know my name?"

    Xyllea's descendant walks up behind them for a moment. "He can smell our blood. He knows who we are." She says. "Let him go. I'll explain everything after. Grett Lancaster." She says to the guard, revealing a name.

    That was important information. He looks back towards the woman and nods. They part before Nosdyn and he sheathes his weapons. He moves away confidently walking forward and raising his hood. He takes one last look at Xyllea's descendant for closure....

  4. #4

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    Once....he'd been hailed a citizen of Ettermire.

    That once was a long time ago...and no longer applied.

    He walks through the streets of Ettermire, no longer chained to the relationships that once held so much meaning to him.

    He walks forward and he ends up in the slums of Ettermire...again that distinct feeling of dejavu strikes him.

    His path had come around full circle.

    He sees the gates of a run down old park with some children of the Ettermire slums playing children's games of that time period.

    He longed for that simpler time of his life at that point. Thinking back to when he once trained the children of the slums.

    It had all gone to shit.

    He looks down at his hands for a moment, what had happened to it all.

    He looks away from the park at that point and begins to walk away from it.

    "Hey." She says calmly. The Xyllea woman.

    He pauses in his track. He turns slowly towards her.

    "Thanks for sparing me back were in your rights to kill us." She says gently to him.

    He shakes his head. "Keep your distance."

    "I'm sorry for what happened to you." She says and there is sincerity in her voice. Once, he would have been moved by her sincerity.

    He looks away for a moment, haunted by the ghost of Illsandra. He turns to look back at the Xyllea woman. "Things happen sometimes....beyond our control everyone did the best they could." He says to her.

    "They had no right to treat you as you were treated and N'Jal gained an ally." She says to him.

    He nods. "A powerful one." He said with some sense of pride.

    "Can you talk with me a few days from now?" She suddenly asks.

    His eyes narrow. He hesitates. "I'll see if the mood strikes me." He tells her.

    "Fair enough, but I have some information you may be interested in." She says. She gives him a small token. "Come to my place in three nights that marker will let you in." She tells him. "And Nosdyn....I'm truly sorry for what happened."

  5. #5

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    That third night, he felt compelled to hear the woman out.

    He looks at her carefully with his large arms folded across his chest. He considers what she is saying. "You know where my Son is." He says to her.

    She nods. "I do but the information won't be free." She says.

    He considers carefully. "No information is free." He says in response. "But you have my attention." He tells her.

    "First. You will need my name. Priestess Lucille of Xyllea." She tells him. "I know who you are Nosdyn son of Tharak."

    He nods. "Small pleasure." He says with a grim expression. "Now tell me why am I here."

    "I know where your son is...but the information will have a price." She explains.

    He nods once more. "As is the way of everything." He says grimly. "State your terms." He says.

    She hesitates for only a moment. "I'll need your service. Champion of N'Jal."

    He raises an eyebrow at that point. "Are you serious? A priestess of Lloth asking such a thing?"

    "You know the information I possess is genuine I would not be asking if that were not the case." She says.

    He considers. "...Normally I'd say no but this my son it's a special circumstance. You have my attention." He says.

    She nods and removes a map from her drawer she pauses before handing it to him. She was being careful. "Only if the bargain is true." She says.

    He nods gently. "You have my blade in your service for now. My son is too important."

  6. #6

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    "I know that place..." He says with a frown. So...that temple was rebuilt. He thinks to himself as he looks at the map. He wouldn't go right away, there was more to this and he wanted to be sure he wasn't walking into some trap.

    She nods. "It was rebuilt about twenty years hence." She says.

    "Interesting. Is my son being held there or did he join them on his own." He suddenly asks.

    "My lord?" She asks in exchange, clearly confused.

    "I asked you a question. Did my son join them on his own?" He asks, he knew his boy he knew what type of man he was.

    She sighs and sits down for a moment. "So cold..." She says to him. "Do your people have so much hate towards us..."

    "Stop." He suddenly says to her, losing his temper. "If this is our business, we are done." He puts up his hood and prepares to take his leave.

    "Wait you owe my family." She says.

    He shakes his head. "No...I do not." He says to her. "Will that be all?" He asks and then he takes his leave.

    They were desperate and setting him up. He had to ensure his son was at least safe...

  7. #7

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    He walks outside of her house at that point, and a moment later Lucille of Xyllea is behind him trying to understand...why of it all.

    He pauses for a moment as she catches her breath looking at him.

    "Please...don't go." She begs of him once more.

    There it was again...that feeling of dejavu. "I don't want to be a part of someone's life like this. We can be allies but I have no interests in anything else." He says plainly to her.

    "But why...?" She asks.

    "I don't need relationships, romance, physical company." He looks away for a moment seeing Illsandra's ghost once more. He looks at Lucille at that point. "I have no need for relationships at this point in my life. If you need my weapons for a matter I'll assist but you're not getting anything more than that from me do you understand?" BINGO. She was crying at that point. His words hit the point home. He was serious all he needed was N'Jal.

    Through her tears she looks at him. "I understand." She says, accepting the grounds of the situation. "Go with peace Nosdyn son of Tharak."

    "No." He says to her and leaves.

  8. #8

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    A week later....

    He finds himself torn....on one hand he had the location of his son. But a few nights prior he ran into one of the Lloth agents who got themselves killed by the Demon. He didn't bother hiding the body there was no need for respect anymore of their laws. Their way of life. He desecrated the agent and left them there out in the open dead.

    As he had suspected the Lloth agents were getting desperate.

    It was a matter that didn't sit well with him. He had the location of his son, but he could not lead the Lloth Agents there.

    The map was no phoney it pointed a temple he'd once attacked under N'Jal's command and it was now rebuilt by his Son.

    That begged the question again. A memory recurred in his mind at that point and he remembered what he asked Lucille. Did my son join them of his own accord. Her reaction had been an important clue. He knew time and the events of history had continued on without him as he slumbered he needed to learn exactly to what extent. Generations of people he'd encountered in the past were now prevalent in that century or so he'd been asleep. Against his will or not, he'd been down too long.

    He considers his next move that night.

    He knew forces were already moving rapidly against him and his family.

    He decides to go see his son...Tharak son of Nosdyn.

  9. #9

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    He sticks to back alley routes. Hiding away from their agents and the general public. He knows the under awaits. He had to keep himself as untrackable as possible at that point. There were too many eyes on his movements in general he had to be certain that those eyes were kept away from his son. There was no way of knowing if his son would readily be able to welcome him as an ally or not. As was typical of Demon society the strong survived. He makes his way into the under without incident and find out he is not being followed at that point. He has on way of sending messages out to his son so he can only wait and assume his son would be willing to at least speak....

    A few hours later he comes across a lone Agent of Lloth who had been spying on his son's movements.

    Nosdyn sees the spy and proceeds to engage her. "You're not very secretive if I could find you." They are a few yards out from Tharak's temple.

    She turns and looks at Nosdyn. "YOU." She yells. But surprisingly does not attack. "There are matters you do not understand going on here."

    "I know enough you're trying to form a network against my son." He says coldly, which wasn't far from the truth. That other Agent of Lloth said as much before she was killed by his hands.

    She understands, far too late what had happened. Her other subordinate had been killed. She stands at that point. "What do you intend to do?"

    He shrugs. "I'm going to have my way with you and make you enjoy it. You're going back to your people alive, defeated. Nobody messes with my family." He says darkly.

    At that point she takes her sword and attempts to stab Nosdyn.

    A technique he'd seen before...

    Memories from when he used to train the Lancaster family. He grabs her sword and holds her in place. "No." He says to her and tosses her sword harmlessly away.

    "H-how did you do that?"

    "A generation ago I trained Lancasters to fend for themselves. Now that military tactic has been adopted into your hold. Fools." Nosdyn says calmly and proceeds to take that woman, not for pleasure but to send a message. Nobody harms his family. Hours later he was done forcing himself on her and he surprisingly left her intact.

    She's whimpering in a corner after he'd taken her for hours.

    "You are going to leave my son and my family alone." He tells her.

    She nods, afraid.


    He licks his lips after and let's her go after. "Go back to your people and tell them your kind are not welcome here." He says to the Lloth Agent.

    He does not go to the temple of Tharak until after she is well on her way back to her people...

  10. #10

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    A short while later Nosdyn stands before the temple of his son.

    He has a grim expression on his face. Mixed feelings torment him, and he has no idea how his son and potential allies will react to his appearance. He's been moving against their enemies: The Temple of Lloth since he awoke. The temple before him stands a beacon in the shadow, glowing with potent energies of darkness. A familiar voice calls to him. The one who chose Tharak as his mate: Lilly a lovely female Undead. She looked much more lively at that point in their existence given that Tharak likely took over keeping the Undead warm.

    She greets Master Nosdyn. "My lord so good that you are back with us." She bows towards Nosdyn.

    "My son, is he with you all in this temple?" Nosdyn has to know if his hunch is correct.

    She nods. "Yes he's here along with several others from when you vanished. Allies people who stayed loyal to you and your son." She explains. "A lot has happened since you vanished." She says.

    He nods. "We'll talk on the way inside. I want to speak to my son." Nosdyn says calmly.


    His son had grown into a powerful battle mage. Magic was a skill that was uknown to Nosdyn.

    They were sitting across from one another at a table. Many female and male undead were present, only Lilly he directly knew. Nosdyn laid it all on them, not mincing his words...he knew he had a manner of speaking to uphold. He was always honest with his son and he spoke with him and his people about the Agents of Lloth. It seemed Nosdyn's arrival was timely indeed.

    "We've been aware of Lloth's Temple Agents moving against us for a while now. Months." Tharak says calmly. "Your arrival will serve as a dagger in t heir plans against us." Tharak had matured into a fine strategist.

    Nosdyn nodded. "There is more." Nosdyn handed his son the small map. "They know about this temple I took a risk coming here, but it was well calculated and I stopped one of their Agents on the way here." He says grimly.

    "I hope you made her suffer." Lilly says.

    He nods. "Oh I did." Nosdyn responds calmly. He looks at Lilly and Tharak. "Is she here....N'Jal?" Nosdyn had to know.

    Tharak shook his head. "No. N'Jal's movements have never been felt since that last battle with her. She's presumed dormant at this point."

    Nosdyn nods. "Too bad I was hoping to speak with her about a matter." He says to them.

    "A lot has changed Father. We no longer consider N'Jal an ally, we have to assume the Thaynehood is equally an enemy too." Tharak says. "With the death of Draconus and the banishment of N'Jal we know mortals can harm and even kill the Thaynehood." He says.

    Nosdyn considers what is hearing. "I'd like to help you out my son."

    "Father, your weapon will be welcome with us." Tharak says.

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