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  1. #8

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    A time passed...

    Tharak son of Nosdyn looked his companion that day, Lilly, for a long moment. "My father is very brave." He said. "That's how I wish to become too."

    She nodded. "You have a lot of him in you." She said calmly. "He admires you, you know." Lilly added.

    "I've thought of that. He was trained different then how me and Llukai are being trained...a different sort of martial tactics. I was never good at that style of combat like he is..." Tharak paused a moment.

    "You have other strengths. That's why he admires you and I also admire you." Lilly told him. "I fought by your side that day, I watched how skilled you've become."

    "Different arts, different ways and methods of achieving the same goal. But yes, Lilly...thank you." Tharak said. "My father has a lot of ghosts from his past, haunting him. Maybe he will never be completely whole again. But that might be a strength and not a weakness."

    "Yes. There are many ways to approach a problem, as I've taught you." She placed her hand on his hand, as she'd done so often since their very first meeting. "You willing to learn, and I'm also willing to learn. We have all that we need with each other."

    Tharak nodded. "Let's call it a night." He said calmly to her, willing to take breaks more often as she'd initially suggested to him.

    She nodded with a soft smile. "Yes, we've both been working very hard and there are other matters to attend to."
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 12-11-2019 at 06:53 AM.

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