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  1. #2

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Nosdyn narrowed his eyes for a moment as he looked at the approaching dark elves. He looked towards the direction of Ettermire for a moment, where it all began for one exiled demon. He knew N'Jal herself was in Ettermire likely causing a massacre. So much bloodshed...I suppose this too is part of N'Jal's plan. But for what? What purpose? Nosdyn signalled to his companions to take flanking positions around the field and prepare. Nosdyn himself was going to engage the single assault party himself where he could.

    He activated his weapon, the amethyst blade manifested. There was a wind that came from the west, Nosdyn turned towards it for a moment. Father, let me face my end with courage and dignity. Nosdyn had been saved by N'Jal from death itself more than once, he knew deep down...not that time.

    He had more to protect at that point anyway.

    A few moments later, the cultists were facing Nosdyn directly. The leader, the one he met in the dreaming state left the formation after stating some orders and walked up to Nosdyn directly. "Me and you have business to conclude." The dark elf said.

    "My father would say, it is my people's destiny to die on the field of battle. Maybe you will bring about my end today, maybe you won't. But I will ask you again, what did you give up for your allegiance to Xyllea?" Nosdyn asked.

    The man considered what Nosdyn was asking. "I gave up my own freedom, but that is of no concern to you."

    Nosdyn nodded. "I was taught to know your enemy before you engage. I feel pity for you, cultist. Xyllea would never have honoured whatever deal you two had. I was her husband at one point and I was nearly killed for my efforts." He was trying to talk to the man, maybe prevent needless bloodshed if he could.

    "She had her own motives, demon." The cultist said calmly. "You are a very unusual opponent not like the demons of old that we were taught to prepare against in the first demon's war." He said there was a definite respect there.

    "My ancestors were a more rash bunch...I do agree with you. Your city, your people changed me while I was one of her citizens. I would not have learned as much as I have without Xyllea." Nosdyn said calmly. "I have no hatred for you or your guild." He was being honest. "But I am prepared to fight you if there is no other option here."

    The man listened to what his opponent was saying. "You speak wisely, demon. It is unfortunate that fate made us enemies. For what it's worth I can see you were betrayed here in Ettermire as well." He said.

    Nosdyn nodded. "Fairy tales have some truth to them but they are usually not the whole truth. Though it pays to give them more heed." Nosdyn engaged the cultist directly at that point.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 12-06-2019 at 10:49 PM.

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