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  1. #3

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Blades clashed, Nosdyn skillfully countered the man's sword attacks with precision and practice. But always, he held back. He knew, deep down in his heart the master had betrayed him. Just one more betrayal. Their weapons clashed once more and Nosdyn took a step backwards, there wa s a deep worry on his face for them all. "You know, N'Jal is here." Nosdyn suddenly told the man.

    He nodded. "I am aware. You are holding back? Why is that?" The man sincerely wanted to know.

    "There are many things at play here you are not aware of. What you said earlier was true, it is unfortunate fate made us enemies." Nosdyn was looking around for a moment he spotted his son and Lancaster's boy nearby fighting the other cultists very well. Nosdyn was very hot, he was very tired. But he had sworn to Lancaster's ghost that he would save Llukai. "When she arrives, I am going to warn you. You do not want to be smited by her." Nosdyn said calmly, he no longer cared. He just wanted the needless bloodshed to stop.

    He sensed it at that point...N'Jal was in his mind watching his every move. Nosdyn looked off into the distance for a moment. How did this all go so wrong... Nosdyn thought to himself remember the words he'd thought so often when Illsandra killed herself and Xyllea had betrayed him. On the grounds that I am simply different...I am cursed life has forsaken me. He returned his attention back to the man he was fighting, there was a sadness in Nosdyn's eyes at that point. "When I tell you, you run and run fast never look back." Nosdyn said to the man.

    Strangely enough, the cultist agreed with what Nosdyn was saying.

    Nosdyn was feeling it that point, N'Jal herself arrived from Ettermire presumably to punish him. He no longer cared. "Go, run!" Nosdyn ordered, the man did so. In that moment it all went to shit.

    Nosdyn turned his attention to the position of Llukai son of Lancaster and his son Tharak they were nearby they all knew N'Jal was present at that point. Llukai made a potentially fatal mistake by turning to look at Nosdyn, he saw it immediately and ran to the best of his capacity. The weapon the other cultist was going to use against Llukai struck Nosdyn, by that point he no longer even felt it. He simply had a smile on his face as he looked at Lancaster's boy. The cultist, knowing N'Jal's forces had been routed, removed his augmented weapon from Nosdyn and began to walk away from the battle. "You let your guard down, boy. On the field never let your guard down." Nosdyn was crying by that point, and fell down to one knee in front of them all. Twice, the master had saved him from certain death. He knew there was not going to be a third time.

    Llukai son of Lancaster suddenly realized what had just happened. "No!" He yelled and knelt before his teacher, he also began to cry as the old demon fell. " didn't have to do this Nosdyn. Why would you have done this?" He just wanted to know why one last time, the old demon from the Tular Plains risked his neck for him. A lowly, stupid boy from Ettermire.

    "To honour you and your father boy. I swore to your father I would always protect you, no matter what." Nosdyn said calmly. He was not afraid, he knew the entire time it was his people's destiny to fall in battle. "Do not feel despair Llukai, I am just an old demon at this point. Haunted by too many battles, too many bad memories. I was never fit for your world. I knew this when I first arrived here on Ettermire but I tried to make a really bad situation work."

    "Don't die, Nosdyn." Llukai said he was freely crying by that point, they all were, all except one. N'Jal herself who watched the situation unfolding.

    She walked slowly towards the group. "Step away from him, son of Lancaster." She said calmly.

    Nosdyn heard the voice in his mind by that point. He looked up at her. Let them go my master. If you must smite someone please just smite me. But let them go...

    N'Jal looked at her champion for a long moment, they had locked eyes. "You betrayed me." She said to him plainly, so they could all hear.

    He nodded. "Yes. I know, I swore to his father I would always watch his son...I meant that."

    "You disobeyed a direct order." She was angry at that point.

    Nosdyn could feel it, that she was angry...he knew what she was capable of. He looked up towards her. "I will not try to resist you, so do what you must. I accept my punishment."

    Then the, unexpected happened. A host of female undead, all of N'Jal's were suddenly completely surrounding the whole group. Xelldra herself, Nosdyn's priestess walked up to N'Jal. "He did nothing wrong. What was he supposed to do?" She asked.

    N'Jal looked all around, they had all sided with Nosdyn. She was confused, she did not know how to react in that was new. "This is all of your choice then, to side with him over me?" N'Jal asked.

    Xelldra looked at the master. "To which I ask you again, what was he supposed to do? You cut him off all tactical planning, and removed him from Ettermire's assault party which was a grave tactical error in itself. He knew Ettermire better than any of us at this point. You made the misstep here, N'Jal, it was not Nosdyn. He's done nothing wrong."

    N'Jal considered what she was hearing. She was never one to negotiate her personal dealings, but this was different she'd never seen such a thing. They sided with the lowly exile demon over her. "We will discuss this at home." She said bitterly...
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 12-07-2019 at 10:40 AM.

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