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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Later that night...

    Nosdyn sat in silence thinking about everything, he'd survived the augmented attack because of the aegis his son had made. At the very least, no enemy would be able to harm him and his allies as they had in the past. Nosdyn sighed, the children of N'Jal and the master herself were discussing what would become of Nosdyn. He stood up, he hated not knowing, he hated waiting for things by that time in his life. So he walked to the side chamber where Lily and his son, Tharak were busy in their lab.

    "It worked." He told his son. "I was able to live because of the relicry of you two made."

    Tharak looked at his father. "I know it worked for me as well...they can no longer harm us."

    Lilly looked at Nosdyn. "The master is scared." Lilly said calmly. "I thought you should know that what happened today has never happened before. She is just scared."

    Nosdyn nodded. "I don't have any ill will towards N'Jal. She once told me that the contract me and her made that first night, would be honoured always. I don't know where my mistake occurred, or whatever this was, but I have no ill will towards the master. And thank you and and your sisters, Lilly. You all did a very brave thing for me."

    "It was my honour Nosdyn. You taught us honour, among many other things." Lilly said to him.

    Nosdyn considered what he was hearing. "I am glad that my father's lessons meant something here."

    Tharak spoke at that point. "Father have you spoken to Llukai yet?" Tharak asked.

    "Not yet, but I will tonight. There are matters to discuss." Nosdyn looked around the alchemy lab. "You two have brilliant minds and are both hard workers, I am glad to have you both by my side." Nosdyn took his leave at that point, there was a matter that needed to be addressed.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 12-07-2019 at 02:17 PM.

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