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    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    He found Llukai and his companion, Aelldra in the side chamber they'd claimed for themselves. They'd been discussing personal matters after the earlier day's battle. He looked at Llukai and his companion. "How have you been feeling?" Nosdyn asked.

    Llukai nodded to his friend and mentor. "Better after I have processed what happened. Just took a bit of time is all."

    "I swore to your father I would always have your back, some promises can never be broken or unmade." Nosdyn allowed himself a soft smile. He looked at Aelldra at that point. "I want to thank you. I thanked Lilly earlier too. The one that is my son's mate. You all did a very brave thing for me." Nosdyn said.

    Aelldra nodded. "You've taught us more than you will ever know, Nosdyn son of Tharak." She said. "But yes, it was an honour to hep you in exchange for all you've done for us."

    Nosdyn looked down for moment, at the ground then he looked at his two friends. "Whatever the master decides to do going forward, I will be okay with. So we'll see when the time comes."

    Llukai looked at Nosdyn with a serious expression on his face. "The Aegis worked for you and your son did it not?" He asked.

    Nosdyn nodded. "Whatever they augment their weapons with...yes it worked. I was able to survive that time."

    Llukai nodded. "You saw him that time...did you not? My father in that dreaming state you see so often."

    Nosdyn thought about what he was hearing for a moment. "I've seen him more than once but yes. Because of what my people are, the spirits of the fallen often contact us."

    Llukai nodded. "Someday, I want you to teach me how to commune with him as you do so freely." Llukai asked.

    "It will be my pleasure." Nosdyn said in response.

    A moment later, a female undead approached them. "Nosdyn, the master will see you now. The time has come."

    Nosdyn nodded. "Take me to her." He said calmly.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 03-21-2020 at 02:46 PM.

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