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    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

    View Profile
    One night...

    He found himself standing in a void once more...the dreaming state.

    Several other times in his life he'd ended up there.

    He was not sure how or why but he'd simply ended up there...other world entities and sometimes Althanas born foes contacted him.

    His cloak swished with the wind as he looked about the void like field, there was a disturbing feeling.

    "Why have you called once more?" Nosdyn asked of the void. Sometimes physical entities entered through that place, other times he was contacted by enemies and sometimes allies. This was different though...the void itself directly contacted Nosdyn.

    "We wanted to show you something champion of N'Jal." The Void told Nosdyn carefully.

    Nosdyn nodded and looked at the void around. "Nothing is ever free, state the price of your information." Nosdyn said, he did not hesitate by that point he knew how contracts worked.

    "You have already paid it." The void told Nosdyn.

    Nosdyn shook his head. "You speak false, I did not agree to anything..."

    "What we have to show already know. Champion of N'Jal. Your title it is the price you have paid for this information."

    Nosdyn frowned. "I don't understand?"

    "Your Master has already started to move against you. There were works in place from another time from when you first started." The void said calmly. "You know what we speak to you is the truth."

    "She has already moved once against me, the children, my companions rose up against her as a result of that time." Nosdyn shared.

    "Thank you for being honest with us. You already know what you are up against, the game the Thayne play." The void told him. "You are being moved against for you to survive this you might have to take your loved ones and run..."

    "I don't have anywhere to run to." Nosdyn said.

    "That is the part you will have to figure out on your own." The void answered truthfully.


    When Nosdyn came to he looked at his woman. "There may be a problem." He told her calmly. "Do you trust me, Xelldra?" He asked of her. Given all he had gone through with two different Ettermire women, he had to be certain he had her trust fully and completely. That she was an ally through and through even above N'Jal's word.

    She nodded as she awoke casually. "Always, you can depend on me always." She said truthfully.

    "We must gather my son and Llukai, I fear it may already be too late." Nosdyn said to her.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 03-26-2020 at 10:42 PM.

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