There it was again...that strange feeling of dejavu.

He knew once in his life, he'd been a simple and lowly enforcer. Working for some underworld guild with their own agenda. He'd grown weary and tired of the games that Humans play with one another. He'd rather approach things in a much more direct method and way. He takes down one of the priests in the eastern most portion of the room. Xyllea's descendant panics and she falls to her knees crying. Fool. He continues to attack and soon nine of the ten people are dead. He walks over to Xyllea's spawn. "I once was in love with your ancestor." He tells her calmly.

He sees that she will not fight, he prefers them to fight. He sheathes his two maces and looks at her. "I'll let you live." He was crazy, he was acting in an erratic state at that point. He looks at the woman calmly. "I've made my point here today anyway and you'd be a boring kill."

She is crying hysterically at that point...

He begins to walk away slowly from the Xyllea bloodline.

Once he loved their people and had accepted their ways as his own.

Once he'd been a fool.

As he walks out of the room he is confronted by a small group of guards of the temple. "Now...this is getting interesting." He says calmly.

A burly male walks up to him. "Cease your blood tithe." He commands.

Nosdyn raises an eyebrow. "And if I don't?"