A memory haunted him at that point as he looked off to his left for a moment.

He saw the shade of his first lover, Illsandra.

She nods towards him. "Fight with all of your prowess my love."

He nods. He then turns to look towards the burly guard. "You should move now." He says. "Move or die."

The burly guard knows he is serious. The guard is a descendant of Lancaster's brood. This bunch though lacked honour. Nosdyn smelled the scent of Lancaster. "Lancaster..." Nosdyn began. "You're a Lancaster." He looks at the guard calmly. "Your family owes me."

He looks at Nosdyn confused. "How do you know my name?"

Xyllea's descendant walks up behind them for a moment. "He can smell our blood. He knows who we are." She says. "Let him go. I'll explain everything after. Grett Lancaster." She says to the guard, revealing a name.

That was important information. He looks back towards the woman and nods. They part before Nosdyn and he sheathes his weapons. He moves away confidently walking forward and raising his hood. He takes one last look at Xyllea's descendant for closure....