Fortune seemed to shun him once again, slipping from the grasp of his listless fingers. There would be no rest tonight.

Shinsou had no idea how long he had laid in bed, motionless, battling against the waves of agony that bled through the wall. The howling of the redhead's night terrors made mockery of anything he had heard from her before, and the erratic thumps of movement were starting to worry him. He had tangible proof that her rage was the trigger for her unusual powers, so how long would it be before this nightmare kicked Felicity's whole arsenal into life?

One arm rested on his lap, gently cradling his sword Kadingar, while the other was placed knuckle-down on the bed as he sought to maintain a fragile grip on his self-control. If things got out of hand, Shinsou's life and the lives of the patrons would depend upon his quick reactions and monstrous Tenebraen power to put Felicity down. But as the pale in his cheeks started to bleach through, there was a sudden quiet. Perhaps she’d somehow regained control over her dreams? The anxiety leaked in erratic waves.

Fuck this, Shinsou decided, collecting his things and making for the door.

The door creaked loudly, complaining of a lack of upkeep. Considering the hours that Felicity had passed in such a state, the only surprise was that no-one else was awake. Shinsou clung to the corridor wall and gingerly opened the redhead's door, cautious as ever not to startle her or catch her indecent. With great care he brought his head around the door, tucking Kadingar deep into the warmth of the folds of his coat, and clicked it shut behind him.

The moonlight lapped greedily at her bed, illuminating her strong but curvy figure. Her eyes were open, gazing at him, and her skin glistened in the lunar glow from sweat. Her loose clothes clung tightly to her, patchwork from moisture.

"Are you ok?" He finally asked, trying not to let his eyes wander where they were not welcome. "Sounded like you've had a rough night. Seeing as we're both up, maybe we should head out north, see if we can burn off a bit of energy. Are you up for it?"

The distraction he offered was two-pronged. Firstly, it would take Felciity's mind off of whatever it was that was bothering her so much, and would quench the threat of her erupting into something beyond anyone's control. Secondly, the chance for real sleep had passed, and Shinsou was already way past trying again.