Hanuh turned in shock to see two individuals blocking off where she just came from. A dark elf woman twirled a steel knife in her hand as she leaned against the building. She was rather young, with purple skin and short black hair. Her partner was a human male, with fair skin and a hefty frame. He slammed his fist into his palm as he smirked in the thin turn out of here. Hearing footsteps, muffled by her hood, she turned to see a third individual, another dark elf, with his arms crossed at her other exit. The blue skinned male glared at her in silence.

Hanuh was in danger. She needed to think fast.

Hanuh turned back to the first two thugs. The young woman, who had made to call out, smiled as she twirled her knife. "And she's young too! Probably doesn't know how to defend her skin!"

The human looked to the purple woman, "Wanna see what's in her pack?"

The woman shook her head, pointing to Hanuh with a long, black painted nail. "Nah, it's probably just supplies. I'm more interested in her necklace."

With a gasp, Hanuh pulled her free hand to her necklace. It currently was a dim blue, enough to barely be noticeable from the distance they were at. No, not-

"Aw!" The human boy mocked, "She's scared!"

Hanu realized just how shocked she appeared. She tried to convince herself. You fought with armies! You trained your whole life! You can beat them!

But her doubts still jabbed at her. Her lack of strength, both physically and magically. Had she been reduced to nothing? For the first time, a doubt crept into her mind. Can I beat him?

The girl nodded at the human in a signal. "I want that necklace."

The human nodded. As the woman pushed herself up from the wall, he pulled out a baton and walked towards Hanuh. Hanuh pulled the necklace under her shirt as she adjusted her staff. Taking a light, quick stance, she pulled her staff in front of her, from her side, and pointed it towards the thug.

Her memories danced in her head. A grey haired human with glasses handing a crystal necklace to her. Then, the words of the very man who tried to make her his puppet. "Your father, unfortunately, died. Your mother went on to be a hero. A seeker of justice who refused to let the crimes of evil men go unpunished. She was the Executioner of the Wicked, a slayer of demons in mortal flesh. Ayleth. You should strive to be like her."

Hanuh's eyes narrowed as the criminal raised his baton. So many times, she had been told things of her past she understood may not be true. Still, this necklace was the only thing that could remind her of her true mother. She moved her staff upwards to block his baton, determination swelling in her chest.

This necklace was her's! Her's alone!