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    Ignis Glaciesque's Avatar


    Hanuh Lulia Icebreaker-Tabor Toivonen
    Mostly human with some elf
    Scara Brae

    View Profile
    Soon enough, Hanuh had escaped the labyrinth of inner city blocks. She was now standing at the edge of constructed, two story forests of industry. Under the canopy of their shingle leaves, she looked out into the road ahead.

    Many travelling caravans carrying traded goods made it in and out of the city. Carts, horse driven wagons, and long parades of dark elves, humans, and sometimes dwarves. The landscae ahead was harsh, revealing to true gloom of Alerar. Bare rocks, dark dirt and sands, and the endless rolling landscape of dead lands. Was she willing to face this? Hanuh narrowed her eyes, she knew she could not face him yet. Not without being stronger. She sighed, starting the trek with her staff at hand, a walking stick. She needed to rebuild her strength while looking for information. But how?

    The road in front of her was a long, tough one.

    Could she complete her mission?

    She started down the hill, to the long road. She pulled her hood back up as she made long, heavy steps. Puffs of dust were left in her footsteps as her eyes grew tinted in icy blue again. She needed to improve her strength, for the day she met him

    "Hey, ye a wizard?"

    Hanuh stopped dead in her tracks, skidding as a small cloud of dust developed. Under the looming clouds, she turned her head to see a dwarf standing besides the road with a wide range travel equipment and filthy clothes. His grey beard was shriveled yet long as he pulled a burning pipe from his lips.

    Hanuh stood in shock, "What makes you think that?"

    His wrinkled face curved, he smirked. "Yer eyes."

    The girl gasped, lifting a hand over one of her frost coated eyes. As she did this, the dwarf let out a hearty laugh. "Darlin' gal, no need te hide it! In fact, we need the help of some'yung versed in magic. Our caravan, ye see."

    Hanuh lowered her hand as the dwarf extended his. "We be willing te pay a hefty sum fer yer aid. What do ye say?"
    Last edited by Ignis Glaciesque; 02-28-2020 at 10:31 PM.
    ~ Songs of Hanuh ~

    "Set my world on fire
    Cause I want to watch it burn"
    - Glasslands, Deadman.

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