Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to a little bit of light relief. I bring you a construct from the minds of a sad, bored little man. Me!

If you could nominate your favourite Althanas characters to fight anyone, anywhere, in fictional or non fictional history, in any setting or with any rules who would you pick?

I would personally love to see:

- Storm Veritas fight Magneto aboard the Millenium Falcon

- Felicity Rhylolite take on Finaly Fantasy 9's Ozma in a race on Rainbow Road

- Philomel van der Aart in a beer drinking competition with Stone Cold Steve Austin

- Mr Fox take on Fox McCloud in an Arwing Dogfight,
whilst "What the Fox Say" plays in the background on an infinite loop

- Joshua Cronen and Jason Bourne vs James Bond (GoldenEye version) and Neo in a "slappers only" fight.

- Pav vs Pav in a mirror match on Smash Bros Melee

- Gum vs Ace Ventura in a straight up fistfight.

-Max Dirks vs Max Pain in a bullet time limbo competition