It was a side job that lead them all the way out to Dheathain.

The mistress looked at Archanex for a long moment that morning. "If the information was not valid, we would not be out here."

Archanex looked away for a moment, considering all that had happened of late to them. "If you command it, I will go."

"No hesitation at this point?" She asked of him, she wanted to be absolutely certain.

"As you say, if the information is reliable it is worth looking into the location of the relic." Archanex rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

She frowned a moment. "You are my favorite play thing. I don't wish to harm you anymore than necessary, but, for certain things you are expendable as well You are more competent than the other members of my guild here."

In other words, she was trusting him to have the job done to the letter. Archanex thought about what he was hearing. "When do you want me to part to the location of the relic?" He asked of her.

"As soon as you are able to." The mistress said calmly.


Archanex, took a look back at the safe house in the small town owned by the guild. It was well away from any of the Dheathain main cities, done deliberately. So they could do their dark deeds without too many eyes on them. He kept his staff with him at all times, he was always an older gentleman. He'd physically aged much sooner than most of his people do, but was in incredible physical good shape.

He used his staff as a walking stick, and after having memorized the map he'd been given in it's entirety...he made sure to destroy the evidence. There was never any physical evidence with the jobs of their guild. Very little ways to track back to the safe house without considerable effort on someone's behalf. He narrowed his eyes and started to walk forward...

A wind came in from the west. The marshland that surrounded them was full of many dangers, so he had to be weary. He personally doubted the relic would be found, but he wanted to make sure the mistress's source was completely accurate. It would prove invaluable information in the layout of the new land. Archanex was an outsider to Althanas looking in...

He was impressed with how many diversified regions there were on that planet...