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  1. #1

    EXP: 1,447, Level: 1
    Level completed: 73%, EXP required for next Level: 553
    Level completed: 73%,
    EXP required for next Level: 553

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    Because of what Miranda had done to him...trained him with...he was always naturally weary of strangers in general.

    But the woman seemed all right. It was in his people's nature to help. The woman was attacked by the wolves and he'd acted without thought or desire for reward. He sat in silence for a moment as she asked questions. "Was the right thing to do." He answered plainly, in the mannerisms of his people. He had a gentle nature in his voice, the way he spoke was similar to scholarly types. He considered what she was asking of him. I can't place the safe house in danger, what do I tell her? He nodded after a moment. "A job lead me out here." He was only half-lying himself, he simply didn't completely trust her. Something about the whole situation left a bad feeling in his gut he could not quite shake.

    "I'm hunting relics for a local temple." He said, also not necessarily a lie. He couldn't tell her the truth on Miranda's orders...the guild was far more important and the secrets he held in his heart. He would never place Miranda and the guild itself in any sort of danger, he was loyal to a fault. "I keep some rations and supplies, yes." Archanex responded to her question about food. "I'd be glad to share with you."

    He kept his eyes on the woman before him. "Are you okay being out here by yourself?" It dawned on him to ask. "I know some people prefer to be alone...but it is really quite dangerous here. I said earlier I'm on a job so I did not mind helping you but you could have really been in a very bad situation there." He said plainly.

    He studied her reactions carefully, that strange gut feeling he could not shake off for some reason. He prepared the food for her, using the single campfire. "I will ready the meal shortly just bare with me." He said to her with a smile as he prepared a simple meal of basic food he always kept with him and some he got from the safe house as supplies for his own cooking ventures. He prepared the meal for her and handed her the plate of it. He sat down on the ground after watching her eat. "Reminds me of my own home." He said to her calmly.
    Last edited by Archanex; 03-22-2020 at 01:50 PM.

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