Tell me of home... The old man thought to himself as he walked alongside her.

"Where do I begin?" He nodded to the girl as they walked. He could only tell her half-truths, but some of it would be honest. "It is a distant land you see?" Archanex said to her very calmly. "Beyond Kebiras on the other side of Althanas." He told her. "It is not too different from some parts of mainland, here, but it has known a different set of wars." He figured she would be interested in hearing some of the past history. "My people, Overmage...are an eccentric group of people as you have no doubt guessed already."

"I myself, have studied the arcane arts sine youth. My village....most of my family and friends were from there. I was chasing someone through a neighboring town when I ended up here in Althanas." It wasn't the entire truth, but it would do. "Not quite sure how exactly I ended up here, but I had. Maybe some spell gone awry." He said to her. "Either way, I was saved by the Temple that I work for now." He nodded, he had to protect the safe house at all costs. "The relic I seek is a talisman of sorts. I can pay you for your assistance if you require any money at all." The older man said to her, attempting to barter and negotiate with her.

She had an excitement about her, but the older man had seen many things in his life.

The feeling in his gut never went away, but he kept his eyes on her handsome form. "Let me see your injury, in case I have to bandage it once more." He suddenly said to her...he had prepared some extra bandages for her in the night while she had slept. Or he had assumed she slept...