The champion of N'Jal felt hours pass.

He kept himself busy preparing a small base camp for himself. The nearby stream and running water would serve as adequate source of water and potentially food...both would suffice. Once the work preparing his camp was completely finished, the older demon sat down on the ground, thinking deeply about the situation at hand. Something has called me here... Nosdyn thought, considering the many mysteries of the world. There were many ancient places of power, holy grounds some would call them. Because of his intricate relationship with N'Jal...Nosdyn had a profound respect for most of the religions of the world.

If they were Thayne codex or not, was not relevant...

People's beliefs made them adequate targets to hunt when the time came.

He thought of Ettermire often those days...and what betrayal it had taught him. Two different Dark Elf women had caused him great pain. He'd been no stranger to love and loss. Those were the events that lead him to N'Jal's fold so many years prior. Lifetimes ago it felt like. Nosdyn wore the symbols of N'Jal on his clothing proudly, some would be repulsed by him, by what he was. He did not mind it.

His kind, his people...were always at odds with the natural world.

Maybe, some would say his kind didn't belong there...maybe they were right... But Nosdyn had carved out a small piece of the world for himself. His own life through it all. He missed his woman, Xelldra greatly. He was not sure how much time had passed since his last embrace with his woman, and his current predicament. I have to figure out if I can get home. The thought occurred to him that he didn't even know where he was.

He sighed. Much had happened since he'd first arrived in Alerar as a son looking for a place to call home. Twice the nation of Alerar rejected him and that was how he ended up in N'Jal's fold as well. She accepted me for whatever any of that is worth.... But something always troubled the Demon further,he never could quite place his finger on it.