Do Mugu had developed immunity to the infectious influence of his disease weapons while training as a shaman, decades ago. However, he was not prepared for how the fever would affect Nosdyn, an extraneous demon. In humans, the sickness afflicted the brain only, overwhelming minds with haunting visions and suffocating dread. But, the Xangu native watched the sickened demon react. He soon appreciated Nosdyn's potent life force for what it was. The demonic invader was broadcasting his Ungotuu nightmare outwards and into the psychosphere.

That broadcast picked something up! "I can see," Do Mugu muttered evenly. He could see his victim's vision. He could see the undead priest. It was jarring, even for his well-kept mind. Nevertheless, the shaman was bound to his own gods and a foreign priest could not so easily invade and sway such a devout mind.

Playing along, the shaman nodded piously while the priest pontificated about a shared destiny.

But, within, Gum do Mugu insulated his sacred thoughts. Dutifully, he contained his heightened willpower behind a wall of strict and complete blankness, i.e. a perfectly empty mind; he was meditating. And through that meditation, the shaman supercharged his own life force. He was preparing for a complete transformation. The fibres of his muscles were morphing. The colour of his eyes began to tremble, flickering from brown to yellow. His teeth and bones were aching from their cores. Thick hair was sprouting across his formerly hairless body.

"You should die," the shaman insisted, clutching his left clavicle—it was as shattered as the Ungotuu jar, its shards spread across the cavern floor. The shaman was unperturbed by the demon's violent emotional swings; rage to sadness and back again. "Your life, it is suffering," he said coolly. "Allow me to relieve you. Let me send your spirit to the Underworld, where Oxxad will give you new life so that you might find balance."