Because of who Nosdyn was...what he was...something else happened.

His mind envisioned not the field of battle for a moment or two...perhaps the effects of the disease pathogen in whatever limited capacity they could affect him...but still affect him. Nosdyn saw something a memory from the past...he dreamed and half dreamed of Ettermire. His first love, the woman who had killed herself in front of him. Illsandra...his first wife. The image was a powerful one and he began to cry as his body adjusted to the effects of the pathogens and disease.

He had no knowledge of the man's mystic arts...but he had knowledge of the fact his body had a rare genetic marker.

N'Jal had told him so.

It was how he had not turned when he'd been bitten by the one from Corone.

Nosdyn looked at the shaman for a moment as the effects of the disease in it's fullest potency attempted to ravage...something. The tears flowed from Nosdyn's eyes freely. "In another life...we could have been friends." Nosdyn said truthfully. He sometimes hated himself for what he was, a mere instrument of chaos and war. What he really hated was the fact that he existed...he would always be at odds with life itself. The effects of the pathogens also made him think of the woman from Corone...there could have been something there had she not wandered off into the wild lands to die.

"I am not immune to any disease as you must know by now, old one. I am made to survive. Long after you and your kind are gone I will be here still perhaps that is also my own curse, not just being N'Jal's champion." Nosdyn saw various apparitions from the haywire effects of the pathogens going nuts in his blood. One particular hallucination caught his eye immediately. He saw, and he assumed the shaman would be able to see the demon's memory as well. An old priest, undead himself, walked up to both of them. This was would likely not happen again. It was an effect of Nosdyn's powerful blood and his connection to N'Jal.

The old priest greeted the both of them. "You are both being tested here." The priest said calmly he looked at Nosdyn. "Remember the teachings my friend eventually all things must wither and will not however. Your kind are destined for some other fate beyond my capacity to see." The priest was telling that to do Mugu as well. There was a lesson there to be learned by both of them.

Nosdyn understood his old friend's meaning there. "I am cursed to survive to the end of time." Nosdyn said to the both of them. The tears were flowing freely as he stood there. Holding his weapon. He did not know what to do...he hesitated a moment. "I am kind is always going to be at odds with everything else. All I ever wanted was my purpose. My reason for being here. I'm not going to die shaman." Nosdyn suddenly told Gum the truth of who he was and what he was...he didn't know how to react or how to take it. The gods had cursed him primarily.