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  1. #1
    Ice Ice Baby

    EXP: 22,697, Level: 6
    Level completed: 39%, EXP required for next Level: 4,303
    Level completed: 39%,
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    Rehtul Orlouge's Avatar


    Rehtul Orlouge
    She had regained her head. This much was obvious from the way that she was eyeing him up as she recovered from the disc hitting her. Whether this was the effect of knocking the wind out of her or not was unknown, but she was back in it and not flailing at him uselessly anymore. Rehtul frowned as he realized something else. She could formulate something that wasn't a straightforward attack now. His boots made a loud "shluck" sound as he tried to keep himself mobile. Had he been wearing looser fitting footwear, he'd have lost his boots in the muck by now. The stray thought amused him, but despite his small grin he kept an eye on Felicity.

    She's going to do something... weird again, he thought. So far she'd managed to keep him on his toes, but in the four years since the two of them last met, she had become something much more frightening than the mage had thought she'd be... back when he gave her that mirror. For a brief second, Rehtul thought he saw a shadow snake its way through the darkness. He was too slow to realize what it was, however, as he felt a sharp pain in the side of his calf.

    Another shadow followed closely behind, and Rehtul pulled himself out of the way just in time to see an arrow splash into the wet muck behind him.

    Did she just... throw an arrow at me?

    "Did you just throw an arrow at- hurk!" the young Orlouge felt bile rising in his throat seconds after the strike.

    "Poison? No... I didn't see any vials on her..." He gagged again. "That rancid blood?!" Rehtul swallowed hard, fighting to keep the nausea at bay as his vision swam. With a wave of his hand, the sword on his arm shattered and he used the now free hand to pull his glasses off and wipe his eyes on his sleeve.

    As he looked up, he saw the young woman dart behind another of the mushroom trees. She was trying to close distance between them. If that was the case...

    Rehtul reached out with a single hand willed the water in the muck beneath him to come to him once again. As she got closer, he threw a hand out and put a sheet of slick, glasslike ice directly in front of the last tree she darted behind. If she came out too fast, his hope was that she'd slip and fall. Without even seeing if the tactic worked, Rehtul turned tail and ran as fast at the dark, sticky substance under his feet would allow him. The more distance he could make between himself and the formidable young woman, the more likely he'd be able to set the situation to his advantage and trap her in a situation of his choosing.
    Last edited by Rehtul Orlouge; 04-19-2020 at 01:13 AM.

  2. #2
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
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    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

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    As she darted closer to her target, Felicity's footsteps pounded in the mud. In the swallowing darkness surrounding the mushrooms, she had to keep herself focused on the silhouette of her opponent. Yet, as she darted from the next tree, her feet hit solid ice.

    "Hromagh's ba-"

    Her body slammed into the ice, causing it to break. Her wound screeched at her in a wild throb as her head plunked underwater. Once again surrounded by gross water, she lifted her head to see that she lost him again. An irritated, impatient hiss slipped from her mouth as she emerged from the thick, murky liquid. Paying little attention to the clumps of mud hanging off her frame, she scowled as she stomped out of the ice wreckage. How could she catch him now!

    She hissed, subconsciously placing a hand over her bleeding injury. "Oh, Y'edda's..."

    She scowled as she stood there, and caught the sound of footsteps pounding in the muddy water. That's it!

    A grunt of pain escaped her as she darted in the direction of the sound. A yellow mushroom, a red mushroom, a green mushroom she darted by as she periodically stopped to listen for his footsteps. This was becoming a nerve pinching game of cat and mouse. She needed to close the distance and end this - not because she could not last, of course, but because of her rapidly growing annoyance. This was a fight, not a childhood game of hide and seek!

    Still, as she rested against a dim, small purple fungus, she had to admit that the mud and water were helping to amplify the pain. It was a real annoyance. As she listened the nearby footsteps, she could hear her own heartbeat pounding as well. She grimaced. When one of the sloshes in the mud sounded closer to her right ear, she turned to see a glimpse of a shadow duck behind a tall, blue mushroom.


    She darted towards the blue shroom and pulled herself to where he would be. "Rehtul-"
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

  3. #3
    Ice Ice Baby

    EXP: 22,697, Level: 6
    Level completed: 39%, EXP required for next Level: 4,303
    Level completed: 39%,
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    Rehtul Orlouge's Avatar


    Rehtul Orlouge
    As Rehtul ran, he could hear the sloshing of the wetlands under him echo out into the darkness. With no native fauna around, the sounds carried for what seemed like miles. He could hear even through his own steps that Felicity was already closing in.

    "Damn," he muttered under his breath. "I was hoping to buy a few more minutes." He slung his hand out and drew upon the water beneath him. He shaped it with his mind into a makeshift pole and vaulted himself up onto a shelf about seven feet off the surface of the water beneath. He tossed the weapon to the side and began concentrating his magic. The weapon stopped in midair and began to reform into a pair of floating hands. While he stood there, he turned toward where he was sure the young woman would be climbing. As he did, the hands were doing work off to the side, pulling up strands of filament from the surrounding fungi.

    He could see through his peripheral vision that his experiment was something of a success. He was getting some high tensile strength filaments from closer to the top of the fungus, where the body was far less stiff and settled in place.

    As she climbed up in front of him, he drew the hands back to himself and had them wrap the filament around his arm like a length of rope.

    "Felicity," he said back, somewhat mockingly in response to his own name. The sing song tone of his voice didn't match the reality of their situation at all, and the slight grin creeping across his face told it all. He was, for once, just enjoying himself here in this moment.

    Without another word he backed up and dropped off the side of the small cliff and splashed noisily into the dark green-black muck beneath him. His coat felt heavy from the coating of muck and water infused within it, but he paid it no mind. He breathed in and out calmly as he waited for the inevitable angry red head to begin following him again.

    He hoped she would attempt to jump down on top of him, reckless as she tended to be, for he was prepared for that. He gauged where he most thought she was likely to jump from and stomped his foot in the muck. A few feet out from the edge of the short cliff several spikes of ice erupted, ready to impale anyone foolhardy enough to make that leap.

    Even if it doesn't win me the fight, if my guess is right, this attack should remove her from the equation long enough for me to start using these makeshift ropes.

  4. #4
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
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    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

    View Profile
    Felicity hissed as she climbed after Rehtul. The stalk of the mushroom was mushy and strange, but her anger caused her to kick bits of shroom into the muck below as she chased the ice mage.

    Just as they reached the top, Rehtul leapt off again. Graceful, he disappeared into the hazy gloom, and the darkness below. Felicity growled, pulling herself atop the mushroom head with jerky movements. She hurt, she was in pain. She winced as peered into the darkness and readied herself to jump.

    "Stop running!" She barked, leaping off the top of the fungal tree.

    Her opponent had outsmarted her.

    Instead of the smooth, lukewarm swamp waters, she collided with a series of cold spikes. Rehtul had formed approximately twelve of them, and they were so close together that she hit most of them. Her legs and thighs were completely impaled by the spikes, and she had cuts in the upper part of her body as well. One spike notably speared her side, probably puncturing a viral organ. It seemed as if Rehtul had used her impatience to his advantage, and bested her.

    Ah, but he forgot one crucial thing. Felicity's power. Every hit, every bleed, made her stronger. No, this fight was not over yet.

    Exposing the secret shadows, Felicity's being burned with a cloak of dark orange, poisonous energy. Nuclear power seeped from her wounds as the ice and water began to hiss. With rage screaming on her face, the girl moved. The ice spikes moaned and shattered as she overpowered them, breaking free and carrying many in her body still. Pain was unreadable, she felt no pain in this state. The dark surroundings were shaded in light. The mushroom trees, so used to the dark, were sickly in the face of such putrid power. They began to wilt ever so slightly under the effects of the power. Felicity herself could be seen ruined. Her clothes were tattered, ice spikes and deep wounds covered her mud soaked body. Steam emitted from the mud as her own body heat caused the mud to crust to dirt. The waters below reflected the reds and oranges of the nuclear cloak as Rhyolite limped towards Rehtul. All sanity was gone, only madness remained.

    Improved strength, immunity to pain, unadulterated rage, radiation poisoning, and a burning nuclear cloak were on a ninety second timer. As the water below boiled in the heat, Rehtul would be forced to think fast. Hopefully, survive.
    Last edited by Flamebird; 10-24-2020 at 09:55 PM.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

  5. #5
    Ice Ice Baby

    EXP: 22,697, Level: 6
    Level completed: 39%, EXP required for next Level: 4,303
    Level completed: 39%,
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    Rehtul Orlouge's Avatar


    Rehtul Orlouge
    As he watched from what he perceived to be a safe distance, hidden partly in the shadows at the base of one of the giant mushrooms, Rehtul smiled. He could see that his plan had worked. She had fallen precisely where he had intended. What he had not expected, however, was what happened next. After being impaled, something awoke inside her. He wiped sweat from his sleeve as he tried to understand what was happening. What could only be described as a dull, sickly looking flame engulfed the young woman's body as he watched.

    The water around her hissed and steamed. A dull candle surrounded by swirling mist was all he could see in mere seconds. The water boiled and bubbled around her. The light reflected from the mushrooms of the underground shimmied and swayed as the water was no longer still. From inside the steam Rehtul heard cracks. In the quiet of the room, they were deafening, thundering echoes that reverberated in the ice mage's ears. His body shook as he realized what this had to mean.

    "Shit," he muttered under his breath as he let the ropes he had made slip from his grip and slide into the muck at his feet. If the aura surrounding the girl's body was enough to let her shatter the spikes he'd made, there was no way hit little rope trick was going to work on her. She'd just walk right through them like they weren't even there.

    His legs shook as he took a few steps back from her. He knew his death would mean very little here in the Citadel, however, this being before him was somehow both more and less than human at the same time. A purely primordial power was in front of him and he could barely think to look away. Seconds dragged on for what seemed like minutes as his mind processed what would have to be done.

    RUN YOU FOOL! was all he could muster, and he did just that. Without another word, the cyromancer Rehtul Orlouge was running at a breakneck pace. He didn't even care where he was going, just as long as it was away from... whatever in the hell Felicity was now. He had expected a reaction similar to last time, but this was almost too much for him to have considered. He couldn't let her get close. If he did, she could easily snap his neck, if that cloak of power surrounding her body didn't burn him to ash first.

  6. #6
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
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    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

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    Felicity was so used to being that.

    She had been subjugated to racism and hate in her home town, was hidden away by an overprotective uncle, and had to trust others to train her. One of her mentors turned dark, mistreated her. Her current mentor was close yet absent. And of course, her cousin was dead. Weak. It was strange that Felicity's power allowed her to grow stronger per blow, when she so often walked through life defeated.

    Of course, there was another option aside staying defeated - getting stronger. Yet, however one grew stronger was in a string of multiple webs. One could grow wiser, learn from the past, and be a sage. True character growth, to rise above the past and choose happiness regardless of it all. Of course, there was another, darker strength too.

    Across the fungal forests, insane screams of rage could be heard. Unrestrained, out of control. Fear could easily steal the color from a helpless soul as nuclear energy gave the shadows a sickly orange glow. There was that third option, yes. The ugly option, the revolting option. She did not even hide it. Restrained by the ice wedged into her flesh, the girl ran as fast as she could through the sludge below. Oh, yes, the sadist option. The sad option.

    Taking the damage and becoming a monster.

    That was it. A monster. Drool slobbered down her chin as her limbs twitched erratically. Always keeping a glazed eye on the direction of her prey, the shell of Felicity Rhyolite stomped forward as she released another eerie below.

    If one listened close enough, the name of the ice mage she chased was barely comprehensible, yet nonetheless moaned.

    Her very presence poisoned the world around her. Her path through the terrain was obvious. Sickened plants, gloomy water, and burnt stalks of shroom. She turned her head, attempting to keep an eye on her terrified prey. She gurgled from the foam in her mouth as she twisted her arm out, grabbing a giant fungal stalk and pulling herself forward. Her boots pounded in the shallow water as she pulled decaying, burning mushroom off the plant she grabbed.

    Shaking, she made a sudden lunge towards her target, making several fast leaps before the awkwardness of the ice in her body stopped her. She pushed herself beyond human compression, pushing forward despite the pain it could cause to someone who could feel it. A shrieking creak was heard from one shard of ice as it steadily melted thanks to the cloak. The entire time, the unpredictable girl was barely keeping up with the running mage, and her very eyes peered into the cowardice in his soul.

    The hunter was unable to stop until the satisfaction of the hunt was done.

    Of course, the question stood - was this who Felicity truly was? Did she become this as a person between her meetings with Rehtul? Or, was this just a mocking perversion of her true personality?
    Last edited by Flamebird; 11-02-2020 at 10:55 PM.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

  7. #7
    Ice Ice Baby

    EXP: 22,697, Level: 6
    Level completed: 39%, EXP required for next Level: 4,303
    Level completed: 39%,
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    Rehtul Orlouge's Avatar


    Rehtul Orlouge
    Shit, shit, SHIT! was all that was running through Rehtul's head as he continued to run as fast as he could in any direction that wasn't the flaming redhead behind him. Okay, so apparently that weird blood of hers turns her into one of those berserker types that can ignore all pain in pursuit of their prey. Good to know!

    Echoes of splashes, cracks, and creaks could be heard behind him, but nary a sound issued from the young woman's mouth as she gave chase to him. He could feel her eyes boring into the back of his head, judging him for his cowardice, his craftiness in using every means available to him to avoid a direct confrontation after first seeing what happened when he pierced her skin. But above that was her sheer persistence, a predator seeking prey that had spotted it and bolted.

    He knew she'd have to run out of steam eventually. However, there was a slight problem with that mode of thought. He was a mage. Physical exercise of this particular nature wasn't exactly common to some blue haired git who spent most of his time reading books. The little physical training he had as a soldier wasn't enough to keep him in front of the sheer force of nature behind him. All it would take was a single mistake, a single slip, and he'd be mauled.

    A feeling of vertigo overtook Rehtul as he felt gravity take hold of his body. He reached out with a both hands and caught himself in the water, mouth mere centimeters from kissing the muck beneath. The water around him was starting to warm up, likely from the approach of the mad woman. He reached down hastily to take whatever was caught on his foot and toss it to the side. What he pulled up, however, was an extremely finely made bow.

    Must be what she dropped earlier, he thought.

    Suddenly a spark of inspiration hit him. With his magic, he created a column of ice that pushed against his feet and launched him into the air and away from Felicity. As the warm, rancid air flew past him, he coated his arm in ice made from the water soaking his clothing and used his control over the element to force his hand to pull on the exceptionally tough material the bow's string was made of. He caught the young woman in his sights. From the air and remaining moisture in his clothing and coating his body, a large, bright white arrow took shape.

    At the apex of his ascension, Rehtul released the nocked projectile, hoping against hope that the sheer size of it would allow it to punch through that shroud of heat surrounding the girl and either punch straight through her head or lungs.

    "Either I win here, or I die," the ice mage said softly before he felt the stinging wet slap of the arena's murky water lash at his back. He lie there for a few moments, willing to simply let this parting shot be the final deciding factor. The only downside he could see to his gambit was the fact that he'd only ever used simple practice bows at the yards of the Ixian Castle. He'd never used something with this kind of punch before. He very well could have overshot it or undershot it. He gripped the solid shape of the bow in his left hand and waited.

  8. #8
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
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    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

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    Her heart pounded with ferocity as she saw sparks of tainted, dim blue through her vision of red. She saw nothing but her target. All the other surroundings were faded as mist. She stalked towards her prey, ever intent on destruction. Fight. She needed to fight. Claw at it, rip it in half, decimate it. She yearned to feel her hands tearing through flesh. She was starving to taste and feel blood. She screamed as she drew closer, closer to the object of her rage. Yet, she was unable to process what Rehtul was doing.

    In an instant, it happened.

    The thick crack sounded. Toxic blood gushed out as the powerful arrow buried itself into her head, then reappeared at the other side of her skull. The arrow splunked into the water with a heavy splash. The cloak dissipated from her frame as everything stopped. The monstrous beast teetered for a moment before falling backwards, into the murky waters.

    The corpse was not of a monster, however, but of a girl.


    "There be a monster in all of us, dear. How we control that monster... it breaks us, or makes us."

    The familiar words of an old friend. When Felicity had been in a tough spot, she tried pushing her away in fear of hurting her with her monster. But her friend, named Yvonne, had refused to leave her side.

    “Ye be forgiven yer misconduct, on one condition - Ye try ta think of yerself with kindness."

    Despite their differing world views, Yvonne had helped Felicity to start facing her monster, and separate it from herself.

    Now, Felicity was under the guidance of a teacher, Shinsou Vaan Osiris. He too believed in her.

    “You did well, today. That beast was as dangerous as they come, and you punched a hole right through his defences. I had to throw everything I had at him to keep the big bastard down. Get yourself checked over, and come to my quarters when the surgeon gives you the all clear.”

    Was Felicity just her powers, however? Was she just her rage? Her first meeting with Rehtul had taken place before her first mentor became a monster and her family died. However, she had still been shunned, ridiculed, and tormented by her hometown. She also had her powers back then, albeit primitive. She showed signs of monstrosity even then. She still had hatred...

    Their first Citadel match was on the sailing ship, coursing through clear waters. Sea salt overtook her nose and cool spray sprinkled the fourteen year old as Rehtul introduced himself. "My name is Rehtul Orlouge, of the Orlouge Clan of Mystics. I’m... well, as you can see,” he said as he summoned a spear of ice, “I’m an Elemental Mage specializing in ice magic.”

    “If you want to back out, now’s the time to do it. You came in here knowing what could possibly happen to you. If you didn’t, you can be inflicted with a lot of pain and even experience death here. It’s not pleasant.” He seemed to shiver at the thought. “Trust me, I’d know. Are you sure you want to do this?”

    Felicity had been insulted then, on that pleasant pirate ship. Even if he had tried to be polite, Rehtul had still underestimated her. Felicity had dealt with being shoved aside or worse, cursed, since she was a little kid. The monster took over as she responded, "I'm positive."

    The fight on the deck had continued, eventually leading to a storm brewing above the ship. In turn, her opponent had been struck by lightning. The monster could have overtaken Felicity then. Felicity could have killed the vulnerable man, yet...

    Felicity instantly tossed her sword aside, racing up to Rehtul. Yes, he had underestimated her. Yes, he has frightened her. However, he was still a living being with thoughts and emotions - like her. Felicity was deeply damaged from her abuse as a child, but she learned several things from it... one of them being to treat others as she wanted to be treated.

    The redhead knelt down and felt his pulse, "Are you gonna be okay?" She asked.

    Felicity did not know what to do. Her panic rose again as thunder crackled in the distance. She felt the waves shake the unstable ship. The rain made it harder and harder to see ahead. Felicity choked before looking down on the injured Orlouge again. "I'm going to stop the match..."

    And stop the match she did.

    The question stood. Was she a monster for having dark qualities? Was she evil for feeling hatred at all? Or, was she just as capable of pushing through her depravity and being a hero instead?

    Sinking beneath the dark, heavy swamp waves, her supernatural blood rose to the surface in a sickeningly thick, wretched sludge. Where the arrow has caused her to fall, only bubbling heat remained. What remained of the girl who fought her today? Was she worse off than she was facing Orlouge the first time, all those years ago?
    Last edited by Flamebird; 12-22-2020 at 10:48 PM.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

  9. #9
    Ice Ice Baby

    EXP: 22,697, Level: 6
    Level completed: 39%, EXP required for next Level: 4,303
    Level completed: 39%,
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    Rehtul Orlouge's Avatar


    Rehtul Orlouge
    What felt like an eternity later, Rehtul woke up in a stone room, on a comfortable mattress, all cleaned up and ready to go. He allowed himself to look over to the window, through which he could barely make out the dancing shadows of birds as they flew by the massive Citadel building. The young mage sighed and thought back to the battle between himself and the fiery redhead.

    Monstrous wasn't quite the right word for how she'd behaved during their fight. When she was rational, she felt far more like the young girl he had met those years ago. However, there was weight on her shoulders that he did not sense before. It was something a bit beyond simple responsibility. It was almost as if the world had continuously tortured her by giving her hope only to rob it from her and replace it with despair when she least expected it.

    "Lost in thought again, Lord Orlouge?" the monk reading at the table asked him wryly.

    "You could say that, though not about the usual," Rehtul admitted. He sat up and rubbed his eyes on the back of his voluminous white sleeve. While he had only a few short hours ago been ranting about not being able to beat a simple water user, now something far more insidious was creeping into his mind.

    "She'll end up actually killing herself if she lets that... weird trait of hers carry her too far," he finally admitted to himself. Someone, somewhere would be able to take advantage of that single minded fury. It wasn't hard to set up a trap for something like that if you had a little preparation. Felicity could be cut only a little bit and be led by her attacker straight into a boulder trap, or something else heavy enough to just crush her outright. There were plenty of mages who would want to study her blood; not just its effects, but its possible uses in creating unstoppable soldiers, weapons on legs who could be pointed in a direction and let loose.

    "You're jumping ahead a bit in your projections of the future again, aren't you, young lord?"

    "I'm concerned. I managed to stop her... what if someone else is able to figure it out faster than I did?"

    Rehtul could feel a chill passing over his body.

    "She's a soldier of some kind as well. The simple fact that she's willingly putting herself into combat with that ability. I wonder if she even considers it a possible weak point..."

    He stood up sharply and immediately sat back down, head cradled in his palms. With a few breaths he steadied himself and managed to suppress the urge to vomit.

    "Stood up to fast?" the priest said, chuckling under his breath. Rehtul nodded before noticing that the man hadn't even bothered to look up from his notes.

    "Mind taking me to her?"

    "I already did. Pretty sure she overheard most of your worrying, as well."

    For the first time in a long time, the young man could feel his face burning.
    Last edited by Rehtul Orlouge; 12-24-2020 at 06:36 AM.

  10. #10
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
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    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

    View Profile
    Felicity had blacked out during the fight with Rehtul, being unable to remember past chasing him through the dank fungal forest. Most likely, her powers has activated full blast. She frequently had memory lapses because of her more powerful nuclear surges.

    Upon waking up, Felicity had wasted no time in asking to see Rehtul Orlouge. She still needed to talk with him, still needed to catch up. In her hands, she carried an old accessory, the mirror he gave her.

    Once the monk had entered the room, followed by Felicity, she witnessed Rehtul rant about his concerns over her. She struggled as he spoke, remaining still like a statue. Eventually, the monk bluntly stated that Felicity was in the room, causing Rehtul to turn beat red. As his eyes dilated, Felicity felt a rush of amusement over his embarrassment. Despite the serious mood in the room, Felicity laughed.

    It carried on for several moments. As she laughed, she clenched her mirror close to her chest. She shifted her weight, causing the floorboards to moan. Eventually, Felicity lifted a hand and wiped the tears from her eyes. She steadily stopped laughing, his words still ringing in her ears.

    The monk had existed the room during Felicity's fit of laughter, leaving her alone with Orlouge. Felicity looked down to the ground, truth and fear causing her to frown.

    "Yeah," She said solemnly, "I know."

    Felicity walked from the doorway to the cheap, small end table next to Rehtul's bed. She gently placed the mirror down, her hand shaking just a bit. "My powers were an experiment from the start. Wasn't until years after I got them that I realized how shady it all was."

    She took a step back, fidgeting with her hands. "I still don't know why the doctor created the Serum, what his true intentions were. These powers are unstable, clearly. I could go into all kinds of details if you'd want..."

    Trying to figure out the words to say next, Felicity brushed her loose hair behind her ears. Her outfit was clean, untorn. Yet, she let her hair down and the outfit was put on more... sloppily. She had been healed by the monks, but only physically. Mentally, she was quite worn.

    She looked up at the stone walls, avoiding eye contact. "I'm a general in the Brotherhood of Castigars. Will this give me unwanted attention? Will someone hunt me; try to experiment on me? I don't know. But, it's a fear. I have a feeling I was recruited into the Brotherhood because of my power."

    Felicity shook her head, "And I still can't control it. If I give myself a paper cut it'll accidently turn on. Rehtul, this thing is incredible in a fight, but everywhere else?" Felicity placed her palm on her forehead, "I hate it..."

    She hated it. She hated her power. She hated the deception and half truths that led to that fateful injection. She hated the risks and uncertainty. She hated the lack of control. She hated the fears of being taken advantage of. She hated it, hated it, hated it. She burned inside.

    Clenching her fist, Felicity scowled. "Of course, it's a part of me now. Bound in my genes. I have to live with this monster now."

    She gritted her teeth. She needed to... punch something. Release the stress.

    She turned and slammed her fist into the wall, cracking the stone as she unleashed a pained, frustrated hiss. "I hate it!"
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

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